Another Stupid Ick Question.(Beth-Terry)


Hello you two,
My Pearlscale just lost the battle with ick, only had him a few days and really didn't get the chance to do the hypo method. I have a cleaner shrimp and a banded shrimp left in this tank along with some live rock.
My question, I am wanting to break down this tank and make it a hospital tank for any new arrivals, how long do I need to wait before I move the live rock and shrimps into my 75 gallon and not take a chance on transfering the ick. I had an ick problem about about 2 months ago in this tank , it set empty with just live rock for 7 weeks. I figured it was ok by now for a fish, but bam it was covered in ick in 2 days. He probably had it in the petshop is my guess. Well any ideas would be very helpful.
Thanks Ron