Another Sump Question


I want to start a sump but have a few questions. First I will be using a overflow from my 55 to a 15 gal tank. With the weather lately we lost power twice. Does the overflow lose its prime when the water goes below it and the return pump goes out? I am planing to put a one way check valve an the return line but is there a way to keep the line from the overflow from draining untill the water level falls below the box? How do you start the overflow draining into the sump? Thats all for now thatnks Guys.


New Member
NYByrne - How is it going man, this is Paul - Angie's friend. Thanks for letting me borrow your book. I am getting ready to biuld a sump myself - 20 gal long. Just want to jump on this thread with you.
What is the max flow from an overflow with one 3/4" drain and a 1" ID J-Tube? Need to size a return pump and I do not want to have a flood.
What is the recommended flow thru a Refugium/Sump combo? And how would I control the flow?
Tried to PM (Joe) but unable too.