Another Vet bill


Active Member
Last night I get home from class to find my wife on the floor with our puppy examining one of his rear feet. He was biting and licking at it and was limping around. I got him up on the couch and took a look and did not see anything wrong but he was just laying there whining and his foot was twitching. We gave him an aspirin and tried to hold an ice pack on it.
Fast forward to this morning. He was still limping and licking his foot but the whining had stopped. My wife didnt feel comfortable leaving him home all day so she called the vet to try and get him in. So... $95 later and we find out that he STUBBED HIS TOE! Vet didnt find anything wrong, just that his toe was a tiny bit swollen.. She gave us some pain killers for him and that was it. I swear, I love this dog to death but I would really like to get through a month without a vet bill at this point!!


Active Member
Hope Riley feels better!
I know that from taking my dogs to the vet many, many, times over the years, sometimes there isn't much that they can or should do, but I always feel better having at least talked to the vet and understanding what's happening, even if it's nothing serious.
What does he look like now? Is it time to update your avatar?


Staff member
My have been a bug bite. Hey, things happen to animals just like they happen to us.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Al Mc
Dragon..What meds is he taking?
Not sure. My wife took him to the vet and she's already asleep. Just got home a few minutes ago myself.
Originally Posted by Nordy
Hope Riley feels better!
I know that from taking my dogs to the vet many, many, times over the years, sometimes there isn't much that they can or should do, but I always feel better having at least talked to the vet and understanding what's happening, even if it's nothing serious.
What does he look like now? Is it time to update your avatar?

Yeah, we definitely both wanted the peace of mind of knowing that it was nothing serious. I'll have to get some new pics of him this weekend

Originally Posted by Beth

My have been a bug bite. Hey, things happen to animals just like they happen to us.

Good point!


Well-Known Member
DragonZim: Be careful giving a dog aspirin they metabolize it much slower than we do, so are very sensitive, and get overdosed easily.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
DragonZim: Be careful giving a dog aspirin they metabolize it much slower than we do, so are very sensitive, and get overdosed easily.
That's right.
I'm going to go with DON'T give aspirin unless your vet gives you the exact dose and especially not knowing what antinflammatory you've been given (some of those mix VERY badly with aspirin and can cause serious gastric bleeding issues)
I'm glad your puppy is ok! It might have been nothing but good for you for bringing him in and now at least he should start to feel better. He's super cute!


New Member
my beagle was drinking alot and peeing alot so we took him to our vet and $400.00 later we find out he has a urinary tract infection. I kinda knew that already but needed reasurance. Antibiotics is what he is taking now.
Thank god it wasnt Kidney failure or something like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Keri
That's right.
I'm going to go with DON'T give aspirin unless your vet gives you the exact dose and especially not knowing what antinflammatory you've been given (some of those mix VERY badly with aspirin and can cause serious gastric bleeding issues)
I'm glad your puppy is ok! It might have been nothing but good for you for bringing him in and now at least he should start to feel better. He's super cute!
Good to know. I saw on a couple of sites that it was safe to give aspirin in low doses. A couple of sites I saw said that around 10mg per pound of body weight is the proper dosage, and that it what I gave him. Only gave him a single dose since my wife brought him to the vet the next day and now he is fine.
I took these this morning. He is now weighing in at around 56 lbs and is still growing. He's around 8 1/2 month old now.


al mc

Active Member
That is the correct doseage per pound. I would give the coated variety to limit any stomach irritation. Name brand is Ecotrin, but there are plenty of generic brands out there. With a puppy that size having the coated 325mg aspirin around would be a good idea. I would give just one daily, but if not effective you could go to one twice daily.
There is some debate about the coating being so effective that the aspirin is not being absorbed. I do not subscribe to that theory. Appears to work great for my patients.
****If your wife did bring back medication from the vet then you should not also give the aspirin. Many of the anti inflammatories (Dermaxx, Rimadyl, Metacam, Ectogesic) are NOT good to give along with the aspirin.
Did the vet send you home with any meds?


WHat we've found with 3 mastiffs is big dog means bigger vet bill. They need larger doses of everything which equals more $$.
But all that extra love makes it all worth it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Al Mc
That is the correct doseage per pound. I would give the coated variety to limit any stomach irritation. Name brand is Ecotrin, but there are plenty of generic brands out there. With a puppy that size having the coated 325mg aspirin around would be a good idea. I would give just one daily, but if not effective you could go to one twice daily.
There is some debate about the coating being so effective that the aspirin is not being absorbed. I do not subscribe to that theory. Appears to work great for my patients.
****If your wife did bring back medication from the vet then you should not also give the aspirin. Many of the anti inflammatories (Dermaxx, Rimadyl, Metacam, Ectogesic) are NOT good to give along with the aspirin.
Did the vet send you home with any meds?
The vet did send us home with meds but we only gave him one pill, the day after I gave him just that single aspirin. He's been fine since so I havent given him any more meds.


Active Member
Yea that stinks... but good to hear hes ok.
I got 3 letters for ya.... "VPI" google it, look it up, pet health insurance.
The best thing I could have done when we got our 2 new guys. Seeing as though hes still a pup and has no issues your rate will be low and the coverage is fantastic. My male is almost 2 and our pup is 10 months it costs us $ 51.00 for both dogs for their platinum plan. Everything is covered even yearly visits and portions of your flea and heart worm preventative meds. Just a thought.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Yea that stinks... but good to hear hes ok.
I got 3 letters for ya.... "VPI" google it, look it up, pet health insurance.
The best thing I could have done when we got our 2 new guys. Seeing as though hes still a pup and has no issues your rate will be low and the coverage is fantastic. My male is almost 2 and our pup is 10 months it costs us $ 51.00 for both dogs for their platinum plan. Everything is covered even yearly visits and portions of your flea and heart worm preventative meds. Just a thought.
I take it that is $51 a month, not yearly right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
I take it that is $51 a month, not yearly right?
Correct... 24 a mo for the pup and 27 a mo for my 2 yr old. The paperwork for submitting is a pain and I dont do it everytime they go in. But rather once or twice a year I collect all the receipts and fill out the form get the vet to sign the paper and mail it in at once. Then they reimburse me the % allowed for each treatment. The main reason we decided on it was for the big things that hit your wallet hard later on. Broken leg, X-rays, ultrasounds etc.. or even cancer surgery's etc... their coverage is great even on going chemotherapy. Hopefully I will never need it, but Id rather have it and not need it than not have it and need it. My beagle cost me $1600 just in diagnosis fees no treatment nothing. She had a lung tumor at 12 and we opted not to do surgery but make her comfortable. According to my vet plan if I had coverage, it would of cost me about $400...
Your pup is 52# @ 8 months... we just weighed ours she is 65# @ 10 months...I bet they will be very close in weight, not sure about stature shes not tall but shes solid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Your pup is 52# @ 8 months... we just weighed ours she is 65# @ 10 months...I bet they will be very close in weight, not sure about stature shes not tall but shes solid.
Riley isnt tall either. He's short, long and VERY stocky.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Yea that stinks... but good to hear hes ok.
I got 3 letters for ya.... "VPI" google it, look it up, pet health insurance.
The best thing I could have done when we got our 2 new guys. Seeing as though hes still a pup and has no issues your rate will be low and the coverage is fantastic. My male is almost 2 and our pup is 10 months it costs us $ 51.00 for both dogs for their platinum plan. Everything is covered even yearly visits and portions of your flea and heart worm preventative meds. Just a thought.
Get him covered now while young, don't wait until there are existing problems because they won't cover them. Yeah it's like $300/year but if you figure in the cost of an anual exam, vaccs, etc...some programs cover spay/neuter and dentals and if he ever needs an orthopedic surgery you're talking thousands.
It makes a world of difference for accidents, getting hit by a car never happens at a Good time and having the peace of mind that insurance will cover it is awesome.