Another way to control Xenia?


Active Member
I noticed my Coral Beauty is nipping at the silver branching Xenia. He is eating some of the fingers that open and close. It doesn't look bad yet but I think it will after awhile. Does anyone else have this happen? It's the only thing the coral beauty nips at other then algea in the tank. Is this one way to keep the Xenia from spreading so much or is it not good for the angel?


I doubt it's bad for the angel, but I can't imagine it's good for the Xenia. The fish is probably going to eat it faster then it can grow.


Active Member
I don't know about that since the fish just nips at it and everyone knows how fast Xenia grows. I have 5 stands pretty much connected at the trunk. The xenia also contracts when the fish comes by and nips at it but it is still open most of the day. The fish get plenty to eat, in fact I was planning on slowly cutting back on feeding but I guess the coral beauty still likes to graze.