another what is it???

ok well i just went down to the LFS and they had a very tiny piece of LR that was attached to a Sand Dollar. now this sand dollar is still alive and i would like to keep it that way, and so i need to knwo what to do for it. i do have CC and some live rock; not all that i would like to have but it will come in due time. the guy at the fish store is a good friend of mine and he just gave him to me bc he came in accidently. this live rock that is attached to it looks more like a bunch of barnacles, and they have small finger like things sticking out of them, and they are pulsing in and out. i did feed them and i have them in a small container, with an air pump. i have to go get a new Q tank bc my other one cracked, :(
so any help that you can give would be wonderful, i will try to post a pic tomorrow night some time. thanks
ok well i have looked at the pictures of some xenia and i don'tthink that is what i have attached to the sand dollar.
they have about 6 small fingers abotu the double width of a piece of hair. they are popping out of what look to be like baracles and are always moving, unless i need to change some of the water and then after i do the water change they start to move again. thanks for the help you can give