Another "when to add what" question


I know this type of question has been asked on billion times but here i go. I have a 75g and i want a v.lion, sfe, cb angel, and some kind of puffer. I am still around a month away from being ready to get any of those fish into my tank but i was wondering if anyone had any pointers about which one to add first, second, etc...


Active Member
volitan lion cant go in a 75,, they get WAYYY to large.. also the puffer may pick on the lionfish anyway.. valentini puffers are relativly small and would probably work well for you
as a general rule of thumb always at least agressive to most agressive being your last fish..


Thanks, that's the kind of general awnser i was looking for. Also every book and website i have been on says that a v.lion would be ok in a 75g. You are the first source that i have come accross that said no. I guess i could get a fuzzy dwarf but i like the voltan alot better. Any one else have thoughts about the v.lion in a 75g?


Active Member
do a search on here and im sure 99% of peopel would agree with me that they get WAY to large for a 75 gallon aquarium..
when some books say 75 gallon aquarium that might be for a volitan lion ONLY , no other fish.. my volitan lion is abou a foot give or take and very fat , he wouldnt be able to move in a 75