Answer a question and then ask a question


Active Member
I know there was a thread like this awhile back, or i heard of it. But I thought that alot of people have very random questions, some who dont' want to make a whole thread on it, some with very complicated answers and others with so simple questions they don't want to feel dumb, although they shouldn't feel so.
Anyways, the rules are simple, you answer the question the person before you posts and then you ask a question. You CAN ONLY ANSWER A QUESTION DIRECTLY BEFORE YOU AND YOU CAN' ASK A QUESTION UNTIL YOU ANSWERED ONE. If you feel an answer is incorrect type challenge in the subject spot. Then right the persons name followed by the explanation. If you want to add a answer/question to the one prevoius to yours please do another post.
Label your answer: A: (then give your answer
Label your question: Q: (then give your question
Well, I'll start off and I hope we can learn alot from this thread..
Q: How do you set up a refugium, the most simplest and cheapest way?


A: I think the simpelist way too add a good working refugium is getting a hang-on one. It might not be the cheapest way but you can buy them and just hang it on.
Q: Do you have to acclimate hermit crabs and snails?


A: Crabs and Snails DO need to be acclimated (but not QTed)
Q: Whats the best (hardy) and most colorful coral for medium light?


A .mushrooms -a very hardy and colorful addition to many lighting schemes.
Q. whats the purpose of a skimmer?
BTW I think this can be very informative WTG on thinking of doing it or doing another.


A. the purpose of a skimmer is to remove DOC's from the water colum before they become problimatic in the tank.
Q. What is kalkwasser mix?


Active Member
A. Kalkwasser mix is a mixture of Calcium Hydroxide and water that is slowly dripped into a tank, to maintain Calcium, pH and Alk.
Q. Why should you quarantine fish?

sinner's girl

A. fish should be quarantined to prevent ich and such from getting into your main tank. If the fish shows signs of ich or any other disease, you'll be able to treat the fish in your q-tank. Some methods of treatment are not safe for inverts/corals and such. If you add the fish directly to main tank, and the new fish has a disease then you risk your other fish getting sick also.
Q. what causes low Ph?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Sinner's Girl
Q. what causes low Ph?

A lack of effective buffering
Q. What caused low Calc


Active Member
A. Low calcium is caused by pour salt mixes and the constant use by caroline and other calcium using animals. If calciums is not replenished with water changes or by dosing, it will become low.
Q. What calcium level do you (anybody) shoot for?


Active Member

Q. Is dripping calc necessary if you only have softies and lps's

A. No, Dripping Kalk is however a very good way to maintain calcium and alk levels in any tank...
Q. Why do corals need good lighting?


Active Member
A. (hope I'm not wrong)...they are photosynthetic.
Q. Does anyone keep Yellow and Blue tangs together?


Active Member
A: I have read of people doing so but it isn't a good idea, IMO.
Q: What is the best thing you can do for a salt water aquarium?


thats not an answer haha
Q: What is the most effective snail


Active Member
A: Depends on the snail, for algae i would say Turbo's because Astrea get too big. ALthough Turbo's move things around, they stay small and kind of cool looking. THey also help lots of algae.
Q: What is the best thing someone can do for an aquarium?


A. do a lot of research before jumping into SW keepping and research all of the coral and fish purchases. provide what you get with the best possible home that you can.
Q. what is the best filtration or combo filtration method for a reef tank?


Active Member

Q. what is the best filtration or combo filtration method for a reef tank?

A A combination of LR, LS, a fuge with macro algae, a good skimmer and thats all i can think of lol
Q How long is a typical lighting period