antennata or dwarf


Either will work.
The differences...
1)they look totally different
(there are 3 species of dwarfs: dwarf fuzzy (3 color morphs), dwarf lion, and fu man chu) and two color morphs of antennata
2) they get to different sizes. Antennata max out around 8-10", dwarfs run between 6-8"
3) they are different species. antennata are Pterois, dwarf are dendrochirus
I recommend you look up the differences before you buy one and see what your interested in. Are you sure you wnt a lion?
Either species will have to been weened onto dead prepared marine flesh, as FW feeders are not a healthy long term food. if you want to see a few of the species look in my tank (below my name)


Active Member
i just asked you this ? in my other post, i know the differences as far as size and looks go, i was just wondering about hardiness and aggressiveness,yes i deffinatly want a lion, im going for an aggressive tank, i will put him with a snowflake and maybe one other fish, what would be good with those 2
thanks for your help


Active Member
the only prob with a tang is they need good water quality and an aggressive tank will make alot of waste so thats why im worried


the 3 color morphs of fuzzies are brown/red/, green/brown, and yellow/red. The yellow morph you see there i got 3yrs ago from a cherry picker in LA. ($350), i recently found another (slightly cheaper). Both are males unfortunately.
You see the red/browns almost everywhere, the green/grey browns, are also qite commons. I have also seens a few reddish animals which has a goodly amount of yellow.
Scott Michaels book (reef fish vol1 has a whole chapter devoted to lionfish-get it)
FuMan Chu lions are decent lions. Hard to ween over, but very hardy. They walk and not swim, they also hide alot. They are also one of the few lions that do not tolerate another fu in the same tank (2 dwarf males will also beef). Stay real small(under 7" max size). Very colorful and have the smallest mouth of all lions


New Member
hey, a hawk fish would be fine, i keep my lion with a huma huma trigger, yellow tang, porcupine puffer, and a eel, Im not sure what kind of eel, I had it imported from hawaii, Its rare and i havent been able to find any information about it, its maroon with gold stripes.