

Active Member
Yes and No. As far as the tank size, yes. No, well sort of no is due to the fact that anthias survive better in groups. They are very social fish and school regulary in a tank.
Antoher thing to rember about all anthias is their appetite. They are hearty eaters and a good diet is very important.
In my 180, I had 3 "orange" anthias. I fed twice daily and they would probably have liked more than that. These are my favorite fish in a tank. They are considered pretty hardy providing their needs are met.
Good Luck


Active Member
is it ok to keep them in groups of two and will two sunburst get along
also what is there diet what do you recommend for a couple options in a diverse diet will feeding them 1-2 times daily be enough?


Active Member
The sunburst are alot more solitary and require good rockwork to stay out of site at times. I would keep a single one or the book says keep in pairs with one large than the other. It noted to get known pairs as well. If you want a pack of anthias go with the square spot or lyretail anthias. Both are beautiful and i've seen both in groups. One male and at least 3 females. Which you could swing in a 120 easy. If you want one anthias go with the sunburst. They are the most expensive that i've seen though.
As far as what they eat. Meaty stuff. They must be fed once a day. Keep that in mind. Or several times a day in small small portions....


Active Member
Sunburst Anthias are one of the hardest Anthias to keep in my opinion. I have one right now.
I would try to make sure that you see the Sunburst eat at the LFS or make sure that it is eating where ever you get it from. It would be best to keep two of them together as mentioned at different sizes, but keep in mind........these fish get up to a good 4 inches or so. My favorite fish and one of the most beautiful creatures out there IMO. :) Also keep in mind that you won't see this fish very isn't exactly a social butterfly.


Sunburst Anthias are definately great fish. I had one for about a year before I had a tank crash when I lost power while I was away for the weekend. They definately like to eat often and can be fussy about starting to eat. Since having lost that one I got another from the LFS but returned it because it was not eating after 2 days. According to them it died 2 days later still not eating.


Active Member
ok so if i go with a lyrtail or square will they be ok in a group of 2 also how often do they need to eat and are they social and easy to care for?


Active Member
I personally think that Dispar Anthias are an easier fish to care for and they are very beautiful as well. They don't get quite as big as Lyretails or Pink Squares either.
Here are a couple of my Dispar Anthias:


Active Member
The Disapar Anthias is considered by many to be the beginer Anthias. I agree, they seem to be the more hardy of the anthias, but thats just my experience..
All anthias have about the same feeding requirments..


Active Member
Everything i've seen Anthias are like Lion packs. Get either a male or a couple females. I guess a male and female pair would work too...


Active Member
1) will a lyretail be ok in a group of 2 what about a square? does the dispair do ok alone or does he need to be in a group of two?
2) if one wanted to get an anthais how long should one wait after the tank was cycled?
3) in comparrison to anoher fish how difficult is a sunburst to maintain? ex. they are as hard to kepp as a powder-blue tang
4) say i buy a pair of anthais and one of the two dies is the other one going to be stressed or unhappy or what?
5) do anthais get along well with other fish such as tangs, dwarf angles, clowns, gobbys, reef chromis, abbit fish, and hawks
6) is there anything they dont get along with other than aggressive fish such as triggers, groupers, puffers etc.
7) and last but not least are there any corals that they are not safe with?
sorrry for all the ?'s


From what I have heard, Anthias are Hermaphrodites. They can change from one --- to another. If this is true, It would be hard to tell if you are getting a male and some females.


Active Member
1) will a lyretail be ok in a group of 2 what about a square? does the dispair do ok alone or does he need to be in a group of two?
2) if one wanted to get an anthais how long should one wait after the tank was cycled?
3) in comparrison to anoher fish how difficult is a sunburst to maintain? ex. they are as hard to kepp as a powder-blue tang
4) say i buy a pair of anthais and one of the two dies is the other one going to be stressed or unhappy or what?
5) do anthais get along well with other fish such as tangs, dwarf angles, clowns, gobbys, reef chromis, abbit fish, and hawks
6) is there anything they dont get along with other than aggressive fish such as triggers, groupers, puffers etc.
7) and last but not least are there any corals that they are not safe with?
sorrry for all the ?'s


let me know if you find something locally. I am thinking of the same additions once all your quations have been answered.
have you always lived in frisco? or recently moved?


Active Member
1. Two is a better choice IMO.
2. A good while. They need very good water chemistry and an established tank. The feeding requirments alone add alot of nutrient to the tank.
3.Nope.. I have better luck with Anthias than any tangs.
4. No way to tell for sure. I ave always kept them in groups.
5. Yes, they are not real aggresive and not real territoral. They are swimmers and enjoy moving about the tank.
6. Two male anthias will not get along but 2 female will... Strange:) I have not had any problems with other tankmates but I guess there could be some problems with some fish.
7. Not to my knowledge. They are completly reef safe IME.


Active Member
thanks for all the help guys!
LeBoeuf i have always lived in tx i have a house in frisco right now but have lived in plano most of my life
also some good places locally to get fish, corals, inverts, and the anthais are dallas north aquarium (dna), aquatic design, aquarium environments, and saltwater paradise
they have great quality and i have seen nice anthais at aquatic design i have seen several nice pairs there