

Active Member
fpr my english calss we have to take a song that is our anthem and tell why
i have been rolling this idea round in my head for a few days, the song i came up with is " dont laugh at me" by mark wills
its a very good song and so true, kids can be just as cruel as adults
i wanted to know the anthem of your life


Active Member
never heard the song youre talkin about... my anthem changes daily... songs have a place and time...
to me to put your life into one song seems simple... you find what youre looking for in a song... therefore it should change... but here are a few songs that i fall back on to put me into a particular mood/place:
Dyers Eve, Master of Puppets, Cats in the Cradle, Die MF Die, Peace Train, Picture, Pinch Me, Brian Wilson, Flake, Here to Stay, Cheese Burger in Paradise, Aces High, Mistify, Black, Porch, Basket Case, Name, Black Balloon, Slide,... the list could go on and on...


Active Member
die mf die, is that an old GG Allen reference? eeek if GG is in your lifes soundtrack lol j/k to each thier own.
moonlight sonata, eye of the tiger, flight of the Valkeries, magic carpet ride. when taking out the hotrod I HAVE to have it. When that star trek movie came out a few years back EVERYONE I knew instantly thought of me and called me to tell me about how similar the situation was when they saw the movie of the guy that had to have that song in his rocket on takeoff


Your Wrong - NOFX. That's my anthem when I'm pissed off at the idiots of the world. The rest of the time it changes depending on my mood.


Active Member
Jimmy Buffet- "why don't we get drunk and ____" ha j/k. When I was younger anything by Pantera. I've matured since then and rarely listen to music... I've turned into my dad and listen to talk radio, mostly espn.


Nazereth "Hair of the Dog"
Fleetwood Mac "Go your own way"
Billy Joel "We didn't Start the Fire"
Meatloaf "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights"
Travis Tritt "Here's a Quarter"
Weird Al "Nacho Man"
Buffett "Margaritaville"
and what Anthem list would be complete without the one ....the only.....


my original is "kelly song" by the movielife, they broke up a long time ago
others are:
"Blame It On Bad Luck" and "Poison In My Veins" by Bayside
"My Town" by Armor For Sleep


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
die mf die, is that an old GG Allen reference? eeek if GG is in your lifes soundtrack lol j/k to each thier own.
its a song by Dope...


Active Member
hmmm... I'm going to have to say "Barbie girl" by aqua! no I'm just kidding I'm not a blonde bimbo girl lol
I guess I don't have an anthem...


Active Member
'Vulgar Display of Power' was,....IS a great album, but when driving and listening to it you surley wind up pulled over in a fight in 10 minutes flat.
Old Slayer or Sepltura just doesnt have the punch it used to. It is now nastolgic when I hear reigning(s) blood or Chaos AD. But still like them every once a blue moon
forgot to add to the list= Lake of fire and My girl by the late great KDC