

Active Member
My LFS is suggesting anthias as a good community fish. Much like blue/green chromis in behavior. Any experiences with anthias out there I don't see them mentioned in members tank bios.


depending on the type of anthias they can be read hard to keep. Do some research on them before you buy any of them. I was told and read that the square back i think it is called is real hard to keep. I have never tried them just read about them. My brother has ahd them before but to no luck.


I have a pink square in my reef tank. It has been in there for about 2 months and is doing great. It took several days for it to warm up to the tank but now seems to be doing great. Very beautiful watching it grasefully swimming around the tank. Does need caves and other large low light areas to hide in. Also gets along great with all my other fish, although he does like to chase and be chased by the sailfin every once in a while. But only a couple quick dashes at each other, nothing to be concerd about. I would suggest doing a good bit of research on what ever species you want. I have been told by several reputable sources they are hardy, require a varity of meaty foods, and would prefer to be kept in schools but not necessary. Hope this helps!


Active Member
antias are supposedly a hearty fish, but have big dietary needs, this is where most have a difficulty in keeping them
and they are generally not a problem for aggression either, some school nicely if you have a harem(with only one male), which all should be introduced at the same time


I had some truncate anthias. They were absolutely amazing. A beautiful iradescent pink color, very peaceful, and definitely a schooling type. This form also seemed to be not as expensive as other anthias on the market. I could never find out their scientific name. Maybee someone can help here. They were hardy and ate everything that was offered. Unfortunately I lost them when most of my fish died due to a stubborn ick outbreak last fall. I am restocking my tank and will get three of them. Highly recommended! TT. :p