antisocial shrimp


my pepperment and flame shrimp are both being very antisocial, they have been hiding in and under rocks for the past 2 days, im sure they come out at lights out but i just wanted to know if this is normal. At the LFS they were both out and climbing on everthing, maybe they just have to get settled?


Active Member
many shrimp are like this, cleaner too, but do come out more if in pairs, adn much more yet, if the tank is not stocked with predators(any fish looks like a big bad predator to them)


well i just have 2 true clown in there right now as far as fish. also what is good for cleanup and when is a good time to add it? i got the shrimp and snails for cleanup but they don't seem to be doing much.


Active Member
clean up, you can add now, if your tank is cycled and stable
you will need more snails and crabs, definitely.
By flame shrimp, do you mean fire or blood shrim, if so, they are bashful, IMO. But maydo better if paired(as in 2 not 1)


yeah, blood shrimp. These bumble bee snails dont seem to do much, i've heard turbo's are better. how many emerald crabs would be good, about 2 or 3?


Active Member
1 emerald
bumble bees and turbos have different jobs, I would have both(more turbos) and some nassarius snails, plus one fighting conch.
lets not forget the hermits(if you want cleaning crabs)


will the hermet clean all of the little bugs on my glass eatting my algae (dont know what they are called) because my clowns are doing a pretty good job on them right now. My LFS is pretty expensive, its about $5 for 3 hermets...


maybe your shrimp are molting. mine usually goes missing for a few days every couple of months to molt.
but normally, mine sleeps all day, and at night she is all over the tank. doing her inspections and her inventory.