Any 30" T5 fixtures available? T5 setup for 29 gal.


I've recently been looking into T5 lighting and can not seem to find any company who makes a 30" fixture. Does anyone know if such a thing exists? I don't have a canopy and do not want to have any of the fixture hanging off the sides. Any suggestions on set ups are welcomed and appreciated. This is for my 29 gallon mixed reef.


Active Member
Nope. T5 lamps go from 24 to 36 inch. Maybe some oddball manufacturer makes a unconventional lamp size, but you're probably SOL.
Many 24" fixtures come with spreader type legs that allow for the light to sit on an opening larger than it. You should be able to find one that will fit the opening, even though it's only a 24" fixture.


Yeah, from the research I've done that's what I kind of figured. I think I'd rather have a fixture supported by legs then a fixture hanging off the side of the tank.
Do you know if the aquatonics 24" fixture allows enough adjustment to fit on a 30" tank? What brand T5 unit would you recommend? So far it seems it's between the aquatonics 24" or the TEK 24" being that they have the individual reflectors. Because as I understand it if you do not go with individual reflectors you might as well not go t5.
Do you think the performance of a 24" aquatonics or TEK t5 fixture, supported by legs a couple of inches above the tank,would be equal to or better then my 30" current 130w dual PC that currently sits directly on the rim of the tank?
Also, I just came across the current sun pod HQI fixture. It seems they make this in a 30". I've read mixed reviews on them so far. Does anyone have any experience using a sun pod that they could share? I really didn't want to go with a MH do to the added heat and evaporation issues associated with them, but this option looks promising. Kinda sucks though as I would lose my actinic lighting

Any suggestions on lighting options for 29 gallon are welcomed


Yes coralife makes a 30'' t5 fixture for saltwater reef tanks. They are regular t5's not ho. I have 2 on my 20 long and they work great.I keep everything from zoos to lps.No sps though, not really into that.I would give you the link to there site but it is all screwed up.Here is a link to big al's, they carry them.


triggerfre said:
Yes coralife makes a 30'' t5 fixture for saltwater reef tanks. They are regular t5's not ho. I have 2 on my 20 long and they work great.I keep everything from zoos to lps.No sps though, not really into that.I would give you the link to there site but it is all screwed up.Here is a link to big al's, they carry them.
br /wow, too bad it]QUOTE]
wow, too bad it's not offered in the HO version with more bulbs, that would be absolutely perfect. Thanks for the link though, but I definitely need more lighting then that.
I'm seriously considering the sun pod at this point.


Active Member
I have been using the same 30" PC fixture on my frag tank and I am very displeased with it. I also have currents 24" T5 HO 4 bulb 96 watt version on my deeper 28 bowfront and am very pleased. It does not have individual reflectors but is a great lighting system IMO. I am buying the same light for my frag tank since I dont want it to hang over and I am not impressed with the PC light for LPS growth.


Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
I have been using the same 30" PC fixture on my frag tank and I am very displeased with it. I also have currents 24" T5 HO 4 bulb 96 watt version on my deeper 28 bowfront and am very pleased. It does not have individual reflectors but is a great lighting system IMO. I am buying the same light for my frag tank since I dont want it to hang over and I am not impressed with the PC light for LPS growth.
yeah, ur thread about converting your 30" to T5 is what got me thinking about this.
I am pleased with this light for the most part. The only thing I've noticed is that the bulbs get noticeably weaker at around 3 months. When the bulbs are brand new they look great, but after a few months it seems they lose there "pop". I got to thinking about it and came to realize that replacing these bulbs often is going to get expensive fast, and that I may as well upgrade, and on top of that MH and T5 last considerably longer then PC.
my corals seem to be doing great under the PC. I have had great growth out of all my LPS and even my few SPS. Though I have noticed the colors on my acros beginning to fade a bit. The growth of my zoos and shrooms has been insane.
I'm really looking into the sun pod as of right now. I think with a nice spectrum bulb in place that I will hopefully not miss my actinics so much
if i haven't already bought my lighting on my 30 gallon i would have gotten a sunpod on it.... i have one on my nano and love it! and soon to have another on my project tank
i would consider the sunpod (no heat issues)... over all good lighting but it's all of how you like the looks of color...


Originally Posted by reefraff
Current makes a 30" twin tube fixture using 24" HO T5 lamps. Marine Depot has them listed.
Thanks, I just checked that out. Too bad they do not offer this in a 4 bulb

I think I would have enough room for two of these fixtures. It may not look the best, but I think it would work.
Do you think that would be a worthy upgrade over my 130w PC? How much would I be missing out by not having individual reflectors?


Active Member
Personally I dont buy the hype of the individual reflectors. I am very impressed with the output and growth rate from my single reflector. I cant see the double cost difference being worth it... Just go with whatever feels right for ya. If I was doing SPS or had a deeper tank I would consider individual reflectors.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Personally I dont buy the hype of the individual reflectors. I am very impressed with the output and growth rate from my single reflector. I cant see the double cost difference being worth it... Just go with whatever feels right for ya. If I was doing SPS or had a deeper tank I would consider individual reflectors.
I have a PAR meter and several different reflectors. It aint hype, it's fact. The reflectors make a huge difference in output as do the brand of the lamps. Current lamps are OK although they don't last as long as some of the others.


Active Member
What I meant by hype was the fact that everyone says "you gotta have individual reflectors on T5's or you might as well not get them". Par meter or not my tanks prove this not to be a requirement. Just bought my second Nova T5 HO w/parabolic reflector minutes ago...
I have heard that Currents lamps werent all that great though. What lamps does your PAR meter like reefraff?


Active Member
Depends on how tall a tank you are talking about. A 24" tall tank with good reflectors will support SPS all the way to the bottom. I wouldn't try that with the single reflector units.
Does current list the material they used for their parabolic reflectors?
Here's the PAR numbers. The ATI Sun Pro may not be available anymore and the actinic has been changed.
Sun Pro 357
Aquablue 336
Blue Plus 311
Actinic 137
Midday 325
Aquablue 324
Actinic Plus 264
Pure Actinic 157
Aqua sun 345
Actinic White 293
Super Actinic 210
Sun Pro 285
Ocean Pro 323
Blue Pro 266
Daylight 309
Super Blue 225
Current Sun Paq
Daylight 10K 272
Blue 252
GE Daylight 340


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Depends on how tall a tank you are talking about. A 24" tall tank with good reflectors will support SPS all the way to the bottom. I wouldn't try that with the single reflector units.
Does current list the material they used for their parabolic reflectors?
No, I couldnt find a material listed for the reflectors. It just says its german and increases output up to 99%.

All I know is its a great light for the money especially since I only keep softies and LPS. Im not sure about keeping a clam under these lights though.
Thanks for the numbers... The way I'm reading it ATI and Guiesmann are the better bulbs? What would be a good four bulb mix with these brands?


Active Member
For 4 lamps I like this
ATI Blue Plus
UVL Super Actinic
UVL Aquasun
ATI Blue Plus
The Aquasun has a decent amount or red in the output which the corals like and it brings out colors running a lot of blue covers up. You can use a Aquablue in place of the rear blue plus if you like a more balanced white look. You can place the lamps however you will get the actinic and a blue plus on your dusk/dawn pair.
I had one of currents PC fixture back when they were still CSL or whatever. Than make nice stuff, its just T5's without the reflectors lose a lot of potential.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
For 4 lamps I like this
ATI Blue Plus
UVL Super Actinic
UVL Aquasun
ATI Blue Plus
Do you run a tank with this configuration? If so could we see a picture of it? Sounds like a ton of blue... I like a more balanced white look, but am curious to see the output of this config.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Do you run a tank with this configuration? If so could we see a picture of it? Sounds like a ton of blue... I like a more balanced white look, but am curious to see the output of this config.
I have but not currently. It is not as blue as you might think but if you like a more white look swap out one of the Blue Pluses for an Aquablue. They are very white with a slight blue tint.