Any 72 gal Bow Fronts Out There?


We purchased a 72 gal bow front and are having a hard time deciding on equipment. We are going reef all the way. Eventually plan on getting larger tanks in the future (if things go well with this one) Anyways, skimmer, filter & sump? Just skimmer & filter? I'm curious to know if anyone else has a 72 gal (or close to it) and what they are using for equipment.


I have a 72 bow that was predrilled with an overflow. As far as equipment I put the biggest sump I could fit (I built the stand so it really is built in) at approx 25 gal.. In the sump I have 2 150 watt heaters, a Kent Skimmer w/Rio 2500 pump, and A Rio 3100 return pump. Since this is a reef tank there are no Bio-ball or the like, filtration is carried out by 90#LR and 120#LS. For lighting I have a JBJ Formosa hood w/2X65W Acintic and 2X65W white.
Things that I would do differently or change in the future...lights. The shape of the tank is great looking, but does pose some lighting Problems. First the bow makes it difficult to move the light far enough forward. Second, the black hinge casts a shadow over the cennter of the tank when the light is moved forward. I think that I will eventually build a canopy with MH lights, but this is far into the future, I have to wait for the numbers on my credit card to re-appear.


Active Member
Jen, I too have a 72 bow. Not predrilled so use an overflow to feed a refugium underneath. Heater, phs, prizm skimmer and overflow box in tank. Using the formosa lighting system as well. Beautiful tank but I would go with predrilled if I had to do it again. This is my first salt and learned a lot. Here's a before and after shot.

Good luck and let us know what you do!


Thanks Michael.
I was thinking about setting up a sump like OceanJumpers. He's got a nice website.

coral bandit

New Member
I too have a 72 bow front. (not predrilled) .......I know my mistake.
Can anyone tell me the best way to put a refugium underneath my tank without drilling? And what equipt. is the best?? Thanks in advance!!!


Hey guys~ Good to see more 72 BF's here!
What is the *best* equipment? Well, I wouldn't know, but as Bill (eng50) wrote, see my website (under equipment) for info on what I use.


Thanks! My refugium is up two weeks now. It could be my imagination but I have the impression the growth of nuissance algae in mu display has slowed a lot. For sure, in the refugium, the grape caulerpa is growing very fast and also the feather caulerpa picked up as does the "regular" one. I have another plant in there (don't know the name) but it is not doing so well. Perhaps b/c teh caulerpa is taking over.

coral bandit

New Member
Cool!! Is this your idea on the overflow? Just wondering ... I have heard some bad things about overflows stopping up and flooding the house. Will your set up prevent this? Yours looks REALLY thought out. Thanks!


I am only booksmart as far as SW tanks are concerned. I only have three months actual experience. But, from what I've read, the main risk of overflow boxes stop working properly is when tiny airbubbles will be collected at the top of the U tube. Many tiny bubbles become one big one and the siphon breaks. This can )only?) happen if the flow in the U tube is too slow. So, as long as you make sure the current is strong enough you can see bubbles being "blow" out, you're fine. If you can't increase the current, you should get a smaller U tube.

coral bandit

New Member
Marc , Looks like you did your home work dude! I'd love to see yours and understand how the whole sump refugium thing works.
If you e-mail me I can give you a local Durham guy that I work with he propagates his corals for sale.(cheap)!


If you get a hook up on the frags, I would be very interested, I am in Richmond, and wouldn't mind the drive, only a couple hours...Let me know if your interested!!!
Thanks, Bill


Sure Bill. I can let you know when there will be a get together or so.
Btw~ I superglues a few of the GARF frags. Was pretty easy indeed. Now let's see if they will flourish...