Any advice on additional fish


New Member
I have 110g, Amiracle 300, Emperor 280 -- two, Hotmagnum 250, UV-15, Berlin HO.
Yellow tang (medium),
Percula Clown (medium),
Coral Beauty (medium),
Koran Angel (small),
Neon Damsel (small),
Blue Fin Damsel (small)
Clean up crew.
Any advice what fish I can add? I realy like tangs (hipo, naso, convict, orange shoulder) but I know it can be big problem. Any success stories? What should I do?
Also, my Koran Beauty has some "salty" crystal looking substance on a tail. What is it? Do I have to do some treatment? Other fish looks good and I do good maintenance.


Active Member
take a good look, could be ich
if so, quarentine immediately and treat the fish(probably fishes)
as for fishes another percula
maybe a wrasse
or blenny
bengaii cardinal
youstill have several possiblities since your tank is so large and the fish you have chosen are not too awfully aggressive
you could even go a little more aggresive if youwant, you definitely have plenty of filtration, in fact I would loose some of it personally


New Member
Thanks, I will quarantine my fish. Hopefully, I will recover it with no additional problems. Do you know if I can add any Tangs after I complete a treatment?