any anemones i could keep under these lights?


New Member
I have a 72g bow with 440 watts of vhos its has 70 lbs. of lr are there any anemones that i could keep unders these light and would do find i thought about BTA or LTA some say they dont require as strong of lights but i would like to know what others opions about this.The tank is 9 months old with good water pars.
I have not really kept anemones had a condy for a month in a 37 it got killed by the powerhead some info. on the any anemone i could keep would help or should i upgrade the lights


i believe you could keep a bta, they are less light demanding. i am not a big fan of lta so i dont know about that one. you might want to make sure your powerheads have some type of grid so your anemone does not get caught.. that happened to me once and i think its a common thing..


With 440 watts of VHO that would be a good amount of light for the BTA, RBTA.
You might be able to keep an LTA if you have a sand substrate..