any BTDT on Supreme Magnum Pumps?


with reguards to a 6gal sump for my 37 gal tank, would a Mag-Drive 2 Water Pump (200 gph) be adaquate for my needs?
Any BTDT with these pumps? I like the price I found and just want to make sure it will work for my needs.


Active Member
How is your water getting to your sump? The reason I ask is that if your overflow capacity is high (most are ~700gph) then your return of 200gph minus some for head pressure will cause some problems with your overflow. Too slow a flow will allow bubbles in overflow tube which will degrade to a trickle over time.
How do I know? I'm experiencing it and trying to find a cure without too much flow. 700gph through your 6 gallons sump would probably equal hurricane in sump syndrome:p
Just something to think about.
Good Luck!
BTW, I don't know anything about the Mag 2. Sorry!


hmmm hadn't gotten there yet....
I guess I need to learn some more.
By saying 700 gph overflow, do you mean the capactity of the overflow attachment I would attach to the tank and direct water with it to the sump?
Are there smaller ones? I know people run lower GPH for refugiums, so they must be doing something different.
I certainly don't want Hurricane Jose running through my sump :) even if its a natural phenomonem that occurs in reef habitats :rolleyes:
Any thoughts anyone?


Active Member
All you need to do to slow the overflow is to put a ball valve in-line. That will take care of the bubbles.


another way to fix the bubble in the overflow (if it's drilled, not a hang on) is to drill a small hole on top of the elbow and slicone a straw in to allow air to escape through the top as opposed to against the pressure the water column and eventually in to the tank