Any Butterflies safe with snails, cleaner shrimp and hermit crabs?


Active Member
Hi, Are any of the butterfly fish able to be safe with snails, cleaner shrimp and hermit crabs? Maybe like the pearlscale? I don't do too many corals so don't care if they nip at those, but I kind of like my snails, shrimp and hermit crabs. Could a couple small ones go in a 150 gallon with my majestic angelfish, pair of clowns, lyretail antheas male, bicolor blenny, and a fairy wrasse? Anyone have any thoughts? Lesley


any butterfly will be fine with all those infact they will LOVE the cleaner. Well all butterflies that i have tend to hang out with my cleaner all the time. Unfortunately i just lost my raccoon this morning
but just be careful if you want more than one butterfly just make sure they can go together some just dont get along. But good luck with your decision and im sure you will get other and probably better advice.


butterflies, as said, won't bother motile inverts. what bfs are you considering?


might have a problem with the angel , as 9/10 of the larger angles are aggressive were as all butterflyfish are peaceful. All peaceful fish shoud go in first moving up the latter to the most aggressive.


Originally Posted by Clown52
So are there any butterflies that are reef safe? I have always been told not with corals.
i wouln't consider any of them completely reef safe. Heniochus spp. are a pretty good bet, and copperbands are probably one of the better choices.
butterflies can be kept with most softies though.


Active Member
Thanks everyone. I plan to put a pair of butterfly fish in the tank when I switch from my ninety gallon sometime this year. I will put them all in at the same time into 150 gallon....before my six inch majestic angelfish gets the idea that the entire new tank is his. Later I will add a Scotts fairy wrass or similar wrass. Lesley