Any cats caught in the act pics?


I WISH I HAD A CAMRA. I have a blue healer dog (45lbs) that stands on his lind legs and loves to watch my yellow tang. From time to time he will walk on his hind legs and try to follow the tang in my 75 gal reef. The hard part is to keep him from scratching the tank. He just likes to rest his paws on the glass. I really have to get a camra to show ya guys lol:)


Nice setup! How long have you had your anemone? I have heard they dont last all that long. I would like to have a setup similar to what you have. How long have you had it up and running?


I've had the anenome for about 3 years...the tank has been set up for about 4 years. It used to be behind my couch where you could see it from both sides, but I moved it against the wall about a year ago (and rearanged everything).


There were no problems with the tank behind the couch (except the noise when you're trying to watch TV :D ) The tank is drilled and the hoses and pumps were under the tank with nothing showing. The anenome was probably about half the size it is now. I am thinking of getting rid of it because it needs a lot of room and my tank is getting pretty full.
I dont have any pics of it but during the winter when it gets cold. One of my cats likes to curl up on the lights and sometimes her tail falls in the water.


DAMMIT!!! looking at these pictures, drives me nuts!!! i am in the process of starting a reef tank. cant wait unti the tank arrives....


Active Member
Reminds me of when I was a kid......I had a goldfish in a 3 gallon fish bowl that we had for over a year. One night when we were watching TV our cat had caught the fish and carried it in to the kitchen. He had it on his placemat on the floor where his food dishes were ready to eat it. I found him just in time to put the fish back into the bowl. In the morning the fish was gone as was the little turtle that lived with it! Lesley
Here's my fw tank and one of my cats before we moved to Houston. Now the girls love to chasr my fish (especially the loach) by pawing around the outside of the tank and running back and forth. :D


The cat is near the top of the tank closer to the TV on the right side of the picture. The cat is actually looking at the tank from the backside. It took me awhile to notice the cat too.