Any chance of this working?


Hi all,
I have a 110G with a 3" coral beauty, 4" hippo tang, 4" engineering goby, 3" royal gramma and a jawfish at 2". My question is could I possibly keep a antenneta or volitan lionfish with them? I've wanted one since I started into salt water and I saw one that had a body of about 3" today and it got me all worked up so I figured I better asked the experts:yes: I've heard not to add it with any fish that it could fit in it's mouth, I wasn't sure how true that was? I've had most of the above mentioned fish for about a year now and don't want to lose any of them. Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated.

barry cuda

I suspect that the smaller ones would quickly become food for a volitans. If it was my tank, I'd feel safer with the antennata. Don't forget to allow for growth on the part of the lion :)


Active Member
My Voltain is 12"-13"...He "used to" be a cute 3" fish...
The other day he ate my 3 1/2" Dragon Wrasse...
Now I think He's "eyeing" my 5" Tangs...


How big would the antenneta get? With hearing Squidd's advice, the Voltain just dropped out of the running. Also, anyone have any pics of the dwarf lion? I'd feel pretty safe adding one of those to my tank. Thanks for the replies:D


Are there any main differences between a fuzzy dwarf and a fu manchu beside looks?? Also, to be honest I'm still really interested in the antenneta, I just really like the look of it. What are the chances of keeping one of those with the above mentioned fish?


if you do get a lion fish, make sure it is very small.. the 2 inch fish will probably be in trouble... monitor the lion fish many times a day and provide MANY hiding places... the more the better...


I gave my jawfish to my g/f, she saw him and fell in love with him. I said she could have him since it helped me out too so he's no longer a concern. I talked to my LFS and they assured me they could get me a antenneta at around 2" for me. As for LR, I have 190lbs in there with many caves for eveyone. I've yet to purchase the lion, I'm still trying to decide if I should attempt it.