Any Clam Experts?

mr. tuna

Active Member
I currently have 2 clams.
One is a t. maxima ( 2 inches) and the other is a t. squamose ( 4 inches). They are both on my sand bed, and that is were i would like to keep them. I want to get about 3 more clams, which i will place on my rocks.. The problem is... is that they will not be on a rock facing straight up because then you cant really see the montle from the front. So, i was wondering if i can place it in an angle facing the front of the tank.
My question is.. would the clam attach inself onto the rock without falling? Would i have to place a rock under it temporarly? Would the clam fall off after it attched? And how long until it will get attached?


You pretty much have two choices, get a clam tank or look down at them from above. Trying to get them to attach sideways isn't going to happen. Is your T. Maxima attached to anything? If not it needs to be. A good book is Giant Clams by Daniel Knop. A good read for clam keepers.


Active Member
Make sure you are feeding DT's Live Phytoplankton for clams under 3 inches and make sure you have plenty of MH lighting for the T. Maxima's!


i have two 175w's and i don't feed DT's......yet my clam was 2 inches and is now close to 2 inches.........and i hav it angled towards the front in the sand bed, not atached to i say go ahead and lay a rock under it and face it towards the front

mr. tuna

Active Member
What is i were to put a small rock under it, then when it is attached, i will place the rock with the clam somewere on my rocks, tilted in an angle? Would it de- attach itself?
I have 250 watts of MH, and 240 watts of PC.
In about 2 months i am getting another 250 watt bulb for a total of 500 MH watts.


Active Member

Originally posted by MR. Tuna
Would it de- attach itself?

The clams going to do what it wants to. If its not happy it will move, if its trapped and can't move it may just die.

mr. tuna

Active Member
But how did this guy get all these clams close together on a rock, without them falling over?