How many of you actually have diabetes?
How long have you had diabetes?
How many of you use insulin?
Any of you on an insulin pump?
Had any surgeries due to the diabetes?
I have been through ALOT and I'm just wondering if there are many others out there in the same situation as I. Here is a quick run down for me and I would like to hear some of the other people with their past experence and what they think of it.
I turn insulin dependant 1 week after my 3rd B-day back in 1978. I have been useing insulin now for almost 27 years now, and I'm currently using an insulin pump from mini-med. I have been on the pump now for 5 years and I LOVE IT. I had a few ups and down through my childhood and over protective parents. Seven years ago I met my future wife and I love her to death. She has helped my though alot of things and it brought us closer together. With in the 1st year of us going out I started to have vision problems. I went to see a specialist and found out that my eye was bleeding form the inside of my eye makeing me go blind. After this notice the very next day I went into surgery. Then I had some more surgery done. In a 2 year period I had 23 eye surgeries. Thats close to 1 a month and I continued to work in the process. I worked at a retirment center and my boss's there would also work with me. We didn't have the greatest health coverage but still had the surgery done. After 5 yrs of paying the hospital for all my sergeries I am finally done with the payment. Do to my vision problem my wife and I had to jump our wedding up alot. We dated for 5 months been ingaged for 6 months and now been married for 6yrs this april. If it wasn't for my wife I would have committed suicide while I was going through all that surgery. My wife now an RN is a very careing nurse and loves her job and help others in need. I am current legally blind (100% in left eye and tunnel vision in the other eye), I have nuropathy from my knees down to my feet, gastro pericous. I'm 6'3" 160# and it is kinda hard to find a good spot to place my insulin pump site. Now that you have heard a few things about me I would like to see how you are living with this disease and how you copp with it. Thanks Rick
How long have you had diabetes?
How many of you use insulin?
Any of you on an insulin pump?
Had any surgeries due to the diabetes?
I have been through ALOT and I'm just wondering if there are many others out there in the same situation as I. Here is a quick run down for me and I would like to hear some of the other people with their past experence and what they think of it.
I turn insulin dependant 1 week after my 3rd B-day back in 1978. I have been useing insulin now for almost 27 years now, and I'm currently using an insulin pump from mini-med. I have been on the pump now for 5 years and I LOVE IT. I had a few ups and down through my childhood and over protective parents. Seven years ago I met my future wife and I love her to death. She has helped my though alot of things and it brought us closer together. With in the 1st year of us going out I started to have vision problems. I went to see a specialist and found out that my eye was bleeding form the inside of my eye makeing me go blind. After this notice the very next day I went into surgery. Then I had some more surgery done. In a 2 year period I had 23 eye surgeries. Thats close to 1 a month and I continued to work in the process. I worked at a retirment center and my boss's there would also work with me. We didn't have the greatest health coverage but still had the surgery done. After 5 yrs of paying the hospital for all my sergeries I am finally done with the payment. Do to my vision problem my wife and I had to jump our wedding up alot. We dated for 5 months been ingaged for 6 months and now been married for 6yrs this april. If it wasn't for my wife I would have committed suicide while I was going through all that surgery. My wife now an RN is a very careing nurse and loves her job and help others in need. I am current legally blind (100% in left eye and tunnel vision in the other eye), I have nuropathy from my knees down to my feet, gastro pericous. I'm 6'3" 160# and it is kinda hard to find a good spot to place my insulin pump site. Now that you have heard a few things about me I would like to see how you are living with this disease and how you copp with it. Thanks Rick