Any Dog Lover's here??


Cool it did.
Anyways this is my 2 year old pit/lab mix.
Mainly pit with a little chocolate lab in her.


hey peeps,
doesnt any1 want a sweet, lovable and adorable pit bull....hes free...sons asthma cant handle it anymore


I live in a condo that allows only one dog, or else I would have about ten. Your dog looks just like mine!! It sucks cause I see a cool dog up for adoption like every two weeks or so. When i finish sclool next year I will be able to buy a house where i can have a few dogs. As well as a bigger tank!!


Active Member
...I'm an animal junkie, I have 9 dogs!
I have one purebred Pembroke Welsh Corgi, one purebred Rottweiler, two purebred Boxers, two Norwegian Elkhound/Alaskan Malamutes, one Pittbull/Boxer, one Beagle/mix and one Coon Hound/mix!
...My Corgi is a riot. I love her. <3


My 8 month old Lab, Boomer ready to play some ball

Sleeping as a pup

With his brothers and sisters for Christmas


Originally Posted by perchpsk
My 8 month old Lab, Boomer ready to play some ball

Just an FYI because I can't really see how its on, but pinch or prong, whatever you want to call it, should be worn high on the neck, just behind the ears with the prongs on the back of the neck...and is strictly a pop and release type of collar. I see soooooo many people with the prongs on the throat which is completely wrong....prong collars mimic the natural correction done by dogs.


New Member
Actually, it isn't a breed trait for Huskies to not like having their nails clipped. Many dogs don't enjoy having their feet messed with- its all about desensitizing them to it. None of mine mind at all.
I am loving all these dog pictures- you guys have some gorgeous babies!
I have 3 Siberian Huskies...




This is our baby girl Sasha. She is a Pit Bull, and the most loving personable dog I've ever met. She has been with us since 5 weeks, and she just turned 1 year in june. The pic with the hat was on her birthday! She is beyond spoiled! Lol, there is nothing I would'nt do for her or give her! She is truly family, and will always be with us!



Active Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Just an FYI because I can't really see how its on, but pinch or prong, whatever you want to call it, should be worn high on the neck, just behind the ears with the prongs on the back of the neck...and is strictly a pop and release type of collar. I see soooooo many people with the prongs on the throat which is completely wrong....prong collars mimic the natural correction done by dogs.
Tang, thank you for pointing this out. I'm a tech in an animal hospital and I cannot tell you how many times dogs come in with horrible tracheaitis as a result of improper use of prong collars. Some of them are so bad they end up with collapsing treachea disease. People just don't realize that these collars do serious damage to a dog's throat. If you're looking for an effective aparatus for training your dog, I strongly suggest the "Gentle Lead." It looks like a muzzle but functions to annoy the dog into submission rather than causing him pain.


Originally Posted by Mimzy
Tang, thank you for pointing this out. I'm a tech in an animal hospital and I cannot tell you how many times dogs come in with horrible tracheaitis as a result of improper use of prong collars. Some of them are so bad they end up with collapsing treachea disease. People just don't realize that these collars do serious damage to a dog's throat. If you're looking for an effective aparatus for training your dog, I strongly suggest the "Gentle Lead." It looks like a muzzle but functions to annoy the dog into submission rather than causing him pain.

Whats really crazy is while at our local petsmart & ***** the trainers said it was on wrong and adjusted the prongs onto the throat....I was in shocked...I quickly grabbed a handful of skin and turned it back the right way...just today we went to the vet and I saw a guy with a choker on wrong...for people that don't know, a choke collar should always go over the dogs head in the shape of a "P"


Originally Posted by SilverSibe

SilverSibe, that is the most striking pic! Beautiful dogs!