Any Do's and Donts for when i move my tank back home?


i am moving my 12 g aquapod back home on thursday night. My tank is now with me at school and im taking it back to my house which is an hour and a half away.
Fish : clown and yellow wrasse (maybe a royal dissapeared a couple days ago with no signs of nitrates or anything)
Corals : open brain, star polyps, and green goniopora
Inverts : astrea and nasau snails, emerald crab, some hermits
my plan is to bag up all my fish, corals, crabs, and snails. Then leave the sand in the tank with my lower rocks and some water. Put the rest of my live rock in a bucket with water and bottle up any water that wont fit in the buket.
Any Do's and Donts anywhere????


You might want to run a strip of Duct Tape around the top of the bucket and the lid. It will keep any water from leaking out and prevent the lid from coming off while the water is sloshing around from carrying the bucket. A couple gallons of salt water on you or all over your car is never fun!