Any Do's or Don'ts for plumbing


I'm going to start hard plumbing my 125 this weekend. Any do's or don'ts for me. I'm always afraid there's something stupid I'm going to overlook!!!
:thinking: :notsure:


New Member
I'am not the expert, but in my own plumbing job I would say to you make sure you do a dry run with fresh water to check for leaks before adding any saltwater,sand,or LR.


Active Member
Dry fit everything. Use threaded unions when ever possible so you can take it apart and do maintenance (pumps,drains, skimmer). Use spa flex for flexible tubing rather than clear stuff. Don't use to much glue. Use a mitre saw to make cuts and deburr all ends inside and out with sandpaper. Keep things plumb and square.
Measure twice cut once!


Originally Posted by TurningTim
Use a mitre saw to make cuts and deburr all ends inside and out with sandpaper.
Measure twice cut once!
One suggestion -- I'd use a pvc pipe cutter (like one of these, available at hardware stores: ) instead of a saw. It slices cleanly right through the pipe, leaving a perfectly clean end; no need for any deburring or cleanup (no droppings). Make sure you get one large enough to handle the pipe you'll be using.
Another suggestion, get twice as much as you think you'll need of straight pipe, elbows, tees, etc. You'll probably screw up somewhere, and that saves time going back to the hardware store.


Active Member
Keep towels, mops and buckets handy when first setting up and testing overflows and anit-siphon effect in power out situation...


I second doing a run with freshwater before adding salt to make sure all plumbing is working as planned with no leaks. I would let it run for a least a few hours if not for a whole day.


Active Member
Fixed, Never had any luck with those things cutting anything bigger than 3/4". I just like the saw, must be the carpenter in me!

Squidd, sounds like me last night! :scared:
dingo, until you try and take it apart or add on!



Originally Posted by TurningTim
Fixed, Never had any luck with those things cutting anything bigger than 3/4". I just like the saw, must be the carpenter in me!

I just used one to make 1 1/2" parts for my ASM skimmer. No problem. They come in two sizes.