Any electricians out there


I have a question. One side of my 2X96 w Hamilton Tech PC went out. I bought a new endcap and it still does not work. The ballast is about 1 year old so I dont think it should have gone out yet. Any thoughts on what might be wrong.


It could POSSIBLY be a wiring issue. Do you have a ac/dc meter. If so you may want to check the continuity of the connections. If you don't have a meter you can pick one up at radio shack for cheap. Without a meter it will be hit and miss as to what the problem is.


Did you change the bulb? If so, get a DVOM and start checking voltages. Good Luck!! ;)


If only one side went out I really dont think it is the ballast I would start by checking the condition of your lamp and bulb base. look (dont touch) at the inner metal parts in the holder and the bulb base if there is a powdery residue on the conductors (oxidation) then that might be your culprit. unplug and clean these parts down to bare metal. another thing since salt water is such a corrosive, an once of prevention would be worth a pound of cure, there is a prodict called noox, its gray and comes in a tube its meant to treat dissimilar metals that come into contact with each other in electrical circuits. I would smeer this onto the threads and put a little dot on the center conductor before putting the bulb in to keep it from corroding. also I can never stress this enough ELECTRICITY CAN KILL there is a step up transformer in that that will produce 270 volts and a capasitor that will do ?000 volts be careful.


Ok I had my father-in-law use his meter to run some checks. I am getting juice to the one side just not as much as the other. He also checked the continuity of the wires and that checked out. I forgot to mention this PC ballast does not have two on/off switches it only has one. So I hooked the lights back up and only one side turned on again, when I take the bulb out of the one side the bad side only lights up the bulb half power. Any more thoughts on what the problem might be. Sorry so long.


Look at it as another clue. The capasitors in the hood depend on the current to both bulbs to fire.IF one works half as good as the two but not at all when the other bulb is there the buck stops there i would think. Have you replaced the bulb or swithced them around to see if the bulb is bad. I think what your father in law was looking at would be the voltage fron the Start capisitor not the run voltage(maybe a clue in itself). Is there any noise when you turn it on? The next step would be meggaring (Ohms to ground or to another coil) the transformer to see if voltage is leaking past the insulation on the coils.
Check everywhere that wires connect for tightness. integrity of the solder joints. That powdery residue. Discolored metal. especially on the bad side. If you can, test the resistance of each joint individually. Shouldn't be any If there is more than an ohm or two redo that joint.
Hope im some help gotta go work now.