Any Euroreef Owners


I have my Euroreef 8-1 skimmer and it was working fine, now all of a sudden its sucking up alot of water where it fills the cup but its clean water, now the only thing I have done to the tank is added 44lbs of live rock ( precured) but the water is clean water that is coming into the skimmer I have lowered the tube all the way down...anyone have any ideas?

richard rendos

Active Member
You didn't add any Stress Coat or anything like that, did you? If you did not, then I am not sure why it would be doing that...if you did add some kind of water treatment chemical, I would say that is why. I have the same skimmer and haven't had that happen.

richard rendos

Active Member
I would suggest adding some carbon to remove anything that would be making the skimmer go crazy, and turn the skimmer off for a couple of days while the carbon is in. wamp had the same problem at one time, and this method worked for him.


I just added 44lbs of live rock precured, thats what I am cycling my tank with, its going through the cycle now, do you think that is whats causiong it to go crazy? I mean all its pulling is clean water, the foam goes all the way to the top and into the collection cup but its clean, I have the rise pipe all the way down as it states in the instructions, do you think I should run the skimmer while my tank is cycling? I dont have any live animals in the tank at the moment,
Thanks for your help
it seems that this started to happen right after I put in the pre cured live rock


Ok, I e-mailed Euro-Reef and man did they answere vack quickly,
this is what they said
There is nothing wrong with the skimmer. The overabundance of organics is causing it to over-foam. You can add an airline control valve to the venturi inlet and cut back the air.. thus the foam production. This will allow you to have greater control over the skimmers foam production.
Let us know how this works for you.
I am going to give this a shot