Any Fish Or Corals For Wholesale!!!


New Member
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am able to receive any coral or fish at a drastically reduced rate. All corals are softball size and go for 50 dollars a piece. I can get practically any fish such as a blue tang (Dory) for 40 dollars and thats a 6 inch mature tang. I can also get specialty fish such as a Crosshatch Trigger for as low as 50 dollars (5 inch mature). I am posting this because I know this hobby is quite expensive and I want to help out everyone that I can. Also the bigger the order I get a bigger discount. I can get everything out there and it ships out overnight from California. That means next day delivery people! Please respond asap to for your order and satisfaction is guaranteed!


Not only do you not have enough post, but you're posting a store type post on a store based website. This thread isn't going to stay open long.


I think its a scam. A professional would not refer to a bluetang to a bunch of hobbyists as a "dorrie".
Hope mods cdelete it pretty quick.


Active Member
What a freakin' joke.....The only way you might have a crosshatch trigger for $50 is if you STOLE it from your neighbor.
I guess I made it in before the shutdown....