any Golfers out there??



i was just wondering if there are any people out here that play golf? i have been playing now for 3 years and i am completely obsessed about the best friend and golf buddy moved away so now im all alone...but anyway i would like to here some "GOOD GOLF SHOTS" stories as i have a few to share...honest TRUE stories only please


Active Member
I have no great stories but I love golf as well. The only problem is that I suck really bad at it. However, if you smuggle in a sixer of Sam Adams, bring a tasty Churchill Macenudo Stogie, and have the company of some good friends that also suck, you are bound to have a good time!!!!


Active Member
some 102 year old lady hit a hole-in-one 3 days ago it had to be a par-3 otherwise i don't think she could of hit it that far, i was impressed though, but i still am wondering if she could even see the green tobin


Active Member
Hit an ace about 12 years ago. 155 yds, 7 iron.
Last year I played Cordillera Valley in Vail. Short par 4 331 yds, hit a driver, 4' putt for eagle. Granted this was at altitude (7000+') but still was my fav shot in 20+ years of playing........
Time to get the sticks out!


In 2002 first ace 154 yards 9 iron, while in Mrytle Beach on a golf trip.
In 2004 made an ace on the on the fourth hole, broke my foot on the 8th hole. Don't know what happen, I hit the tee shot and a bone broke in my foot. I tried to finish the hole, hit the second shot but could not walk to the green to putt.


Active Member
i started playing golf when i was 13 , was on the golf team in highschool.
i never hit a hole in one but i was on a 5 par hole and i got a hole in two witch was pretty cool. i stopped playing golf after my knee surgary .my game just went to crap


I skipped a ball 3 times off the off of a lake and managed to put it up on the green, I don't think I could do that again if I tried!


Active Member
I have only played a full round once, I went with friends that play all the time. I played well I guess, for some one who loves to hit balls at the driving range, butdoesnt really play. All day I used only one ball, I didnt put any into the woods rendering them unfindable. my friends who play all the time lost three or four each, they were giving me crap about my score (par 4=13 strokes for me) in the end I got sick of the ribbing and said the next time we played a round we could only use one ball the stakes were $50 if you lost your ball you were out. they never took me up on that bet. I cant hit it far and usually miss a swing or two but it usually goes pretty straight.
thats my golf story. not very exciting. but there it is.
Oh yeah I cant putt for the life of me.


Active Member
ive played for 15 years... not that good at it but love to go!!! i witnessed an ace 5 or 6 years ago... he golfed horrible the rest of the day...


my best friend hit an ace one day we were playing par 3 bout 169yds plays downhill...he has been playing for about 6 years and is pretty long with is irons put pw in ...he can hit his pw 150 story will be of my 359yd drive it was the best feeling ever one of those you know you is a par 5 and if you hit the hill right the ball will follow the slope a good ways so i probably actually hit a 300yd drive with 50+ yards of roll...hit 7iron on to the green putting for eagle and ended up with par :( you gotta take advantage of those shots when you have them...


Active Member
I get out a couple of times a month. I have no fantastic stories but I love to play the game. I also am no Tiger Woods. Tiger Woods could probably beat me blindfolded. I used to think that everyone else must be pretty good until I bought a house on the fairway of par 5 and believe me, more people suck at it than are good at it. It actually added a lot of confidence to my game.


Originally Posted by b0bby1
mertz wuts ur best on 9, im guessin around a 120.

I guess you dont know much about golf.. my lowest is a 30. I have a full ride to college


well my best one would be.......when I was at a par 3. I teed off and landed on an akward spot (a tree was between the ball and the hole). so I was forced to chip it in at a weird, not so comfortable stance. I forgot to take the flag out so when I chipped the ball, it rolled, hit the pole and bounced to the side of the hole.
didnt make birdie. :mad: :mad:
not a hole in one
, but very memorable.


played yesterday,, first time since last summer when I blew my back out,,, shot a 40 with two double bogies duuhhhh


I use a golf club to hit a golf ball as hard as I can occasionally....but it's never in the direction of a hole, and it's never been on a manicured course.
In other words, I don't golf. But I sure do love the sound of a golf ball bouncing off a house or car. An old friend just gave me his old bag and set after he bought a new bundle. It's a Battlesticks set in a Ping bag.....I don't know why he didn't just hock 'em.


Active Member
Finally a Golf book for us that really addresses our game...
Chapter 1 - How to Properly Line Up Your Fourth Putt
Chapter 2 - How to Hit a Nike from the Rough When You Hit a Titleist from the Tee
Chapter 3 - How to avoid the Water when you lie 8 in the Bunker
Chapter 4 - How to get more Distance off the Shank
Chapter 5 - When to Give the Marshall the Finger
Chapter 6 - Using your Shadow on the Green to Maximize Earnings
Chapter 7 - Crying and How to Handle It
Chapter 8 - Proper Excuses for Drinking Beer Before 10 A.M.
Chapter 9 - How to Rationalize a 6 Hour Round
Chapter 10 - How to Find that Ball that Everyone Else Saw Go in the Water
Chapter 11 - Why Your Spouse Doesn't Care that you Birdied the 5th
Chapter 12 - How to Let a Foursome Play through Your Twosome
Chapter 13 - How to Relax when you are hitting three off the Tee
Chapter 14 - When to Suggest Major Swing Corrections to your Opponent
Chapter 15 - God and the Meaning of the Birdie-to-Bogie Three Putt
Chapter 16 - When to Have your Ball Retriever Regripped