any good cleaner for a trigger

My niger trigger is so messy..can some recommned me a strong cleaner that will eat the bottom of the food.
My trigger really likes snails...he has ate a lot of them


Originally Posted by crimzy
There is only one really effective cleaner that will be fine with a trigger...
Or you could go with a jumbo hermit crab.


lol ya theres not that many feeders for triggers i have 2 triggers i used to have 4
i used to have a Niger also mine wasnt that aggresive though
but now i just have my blue-line and Bursa Trigger the blue-line is one of the most aggresive triggers and i have hermet crabs most get eatin but only the strong survive lol
you could also try maybe getting 1 or 2 large hermit crabs the trigger still might go after them but they usually get in there shells before they get eaten


Active Member
Well, your best bet will probably be larger hermit crabs, or something smaller, like cerith snails or nauussarius snails, that the trigger might not eat because they would be too small for his interests.
I do try to keep them clean, but the problem is that when I fish the stuff out of the tank the water gets to my floor and then I hear "get rid of that fish" but then I can't do that. Anyway
how about a think those can fight it off with those spines...or they will just bite them off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfish123
isn't urchin a trigger's natural diet??
Yep they will flip them over and devower it


i just got 2 large hermit crabs for my tank i have triggers and porc puffer and lion fish and a toadfish and my large hermit rabs are fine at first my blue-line trigger was flipping him over and trying to eat him but then the crab got by a rock and dug himself a little burrow type thing and now the triggers dont even bother them and they rome around my tank just fine and i also have little hermit crabs like tiny ones and i still have a bunch in my tank they most stay on my rocks though but they are too small for the triggers to notice or care about them
i would say get a couple large hermits and some regular small tiny ones probably about 10 of them
Do you know where I can purchase hermit crab..the big ones ..and the small one?
Also the name of the hermit crab as they have so many..
Hermit crabs are hardy I assume.
thank you