Any Help Please?


Hey guys I just bought a 125 im setting up- Rena Xp3 canister filter, a 125-gal skimmer, 5 pieces (large) coral skels, and have purchased some live sand/live rock, and getting lighting system tomorrow...
Anyway, Im familiar with saltwater tanks, ive had 2 before...but new to Aggro tanks. Do you see any problems with the following list?

Snowflake Eel
Niger Trigger
Dwarf Lionfish/Radiata Lionfish (one or other, im undecided yet)
Clown Tang
Blue Tang
Porcupine Puffer
few hermit crabs/gobies - cleanup crew (less you guys have a better recommendation here)
given what I am interested in, if my 125 will support it with the above mentioned fishes, please please please feel free to suggest new fish to me!
Also, the listing here says that the radiata/dwarf lionfishare "deadly?" Anyone ever been stung? I've heard everything from jellyfish-like to bee-like to "deadly" any input would sure be appreciated. I don't have kids or anything, but I don't want a potentially lethal pet. :scared:


I would reconsider some of your choices. I tried , with no success, mixing puffers and triggers, and both times the puffers died within a month. I only heard, on this board, that triggers and lionfish dont mix; the triggers will kill the lions. I think there are agressive tanks, but at different speeds, like agressive slow/fast.
I dont know anything about the name brand of your filter, but it sounds to me like you might want to slow down on the fish, until you have the the equiptment to have good water quality. Im speaking from personal experience, I thought I was good on 2 fluval 304s and a couple pwr heads.
I was way wrong.
I would suggest a trip to the archives. :happyfish


Sounds fun, but I think you are looking for a fight the trigger will nip at the lions fins, and will probably kill the puffer, also they will all eat your clean up crew
hope this helps abit
Angelgirl :happyfish


Active Member
id say the biggest problem really is the trigger.. if you get rid of that itd be fine, though your clean up crew will be eatin maybe not the gobbies but the hermits will.
Your tank is bigger than mine an i had a spiny box puffer, dwarf lion, niger trigger, coral banded shrimp, 5 hermet crabs and snails and they did great together, probably the nicest fish together ive every seen. The meanest thing by a mile was the shrimp. The only thing i noticed was my trigger was overly hyper and would run into the lion on accident while it was hiding in the rocks. I would say go for it i would rather watch those goofball fish more than the t.v.


Thanks so much for the feedback! Yeah, I upgraded the filter systems, all set for a 175+, with 4 powerheads to get water circulation up to par. Wont be addin the fish for a while, but thanks for the ideas! Maybe substitute the trig for a Harlqy tusk! Thx again.


i've got a volitan, niger trigger,sailfin and yellow tang. they all seem to get along pretty well. the trigger is definitely a pig a t feeding time, but never notice him messing the lionfish at all. i'd have to say i see my sailfin giving the lion more trouble than anything else, but there is not too much he can do to him. my setup is 100 g with filtration for a 125. wish i had a stronger skimmer but everything seems to work pretty good as it is.
good luck with all of that.
ps. i think when your lion gets big enough, he may eat your gobies. he will actually try to eat anything he can fit in his mouth. be careful. i haven't had any trouble with any of my guys messing with hermits or snails. other than my green wolf eel who passed away a couple of weeks ago R.I.P


Yeah that sucks bout the eel. Thanks for the input. I'll probably leave gobies alone, I think the lion would like them too much.

Anyway, I'll probably avoid gobies and grab hermits and snails - if they get picked off they are cheap enough to replace, only a couple bucks a piece.
Thanks again guys!!