any hermits or snails not reef safe


New Member
my grandpa owns a beach lot(about a 1/2 mile from the beach) in san diego. on the coast and down a little way there are rocks and tons of hermits and some snails most hermits are not bigger than a dime or nikel. im getting a 125 gallon soon and was wondering if it would be safe to get some instead of paying for them. or ordering a clean up crew from how do i tell if there reef safe or are all hermits reef safe.i have seen snails that are as big as my fist and smaller is there any size i should stay away from? which are best for clean up crew? is it even legal to take a few? has anyone done this? sorry for so many questions just excited and curious. im going down in 9 weeks for a week so my tank should be cycled sense im buying it within 3 more days and will have it set up and cycling within a week. im planning on starting with 60# live rock.thanx


Well, you could check with the local area to see if you need a permit, just to get them for yourself, also you will need a book too I.D. the creatures...... if you would do that you are taking a heck of a chance of adding all kinds of dieseases to your tank, what you could do, is collect shells,(small-large) bring them home, boil them, let them air out and get a package deal of "SAFE" hermits (that really does not cost that much) and boom!, you are set!!!!!