Any hope for a blind fish?


My foxface has recently become blind...(bumps into glass and rocks and makes no effort to swim away even if lunge my hand right up beside him.) He is acting normally, beside for the fact that I can't get him to eat. Any help would be appreciated.


maybe you could try to spot feed him somehow. either stick some food on the end of something and put it by him or keep the food constantly by his face during feeding. Sounds like alot of extra work, but im sure it could be done.


Well, have you fixed up the tank since you went on vacation? The fish is not blind. He has an infection. Cycle a QT. Get the parameters up to par and feed him quality foods dosed with vitamins. He needs medication. Maracyn 2 for SW fish will help him. You need a cycled QT though.
Just for others. QT isn't just for paranoid people worried about introducing things. Stuff like this happens. Then you are stuck. You have to wait for the QT to cycle before you can treat your fish. Think about it.