Any ideas? need info.


New Member
I am looking for a new tank. Possibly a 125 gallon one. I would like to put this tank in the corner. So im not sure what shape would be better. Should i focus on acrylic, or is there something better that I should be looking at. Let me know:)


Personally I prefer glass aquariums, they are heavier but more scratch resistant. I've seen practacly useless acrylic tanks that are all scratched up.
If you try to find a corner tank then give some consideration to lighting, sometimes its a bit tricky to find something that will fit on corner tanks.
Welcome to the board



New Member
Thanks Thomas712. Its a big corner, and i have room for a rectangle tank. I am looking to upgrade. I need ideas on pumps, filters, recommended lighting for a 125 gallon tank. I only have one saltwater fish store where im located, and im not very secure in their ideas with past experiences. I have room to build the tank in the wall, and am interested in doing so. But ideas on those pumps, filters and lightening would be great!:)


Active Member
Hey, I can help you with the filtration, lighting, pumps, etc. questions, but you need to let me know what type of tank you are looking to set up. Will it be a fish only tank, fish and inverts tank, or a reef system. Obviously, if you do a reef system, you will have to get the best equipment, lighting, and a plentiful amount of pumps for circulation. If you are doing a fish only tank, you do not have to spend as much on equipment.


Hey, wanted to comment on the corner set-up. Big Pain! It looks beautiful, but I have to tell you that lighting, filtration, storage is Very difficult. My 70 bowfront is a corner unit. There is very little room for stuff to H.O.B. and underneath storage is little to none due to shape. Also, almost no one makes a light canopy to even retro fit. Mine was completly home made. There's also not a whole lot of ways to 'scape it. I'm not trying to steer you completely away from it, cause they really are nice looing-big panoramic view, but just to for warn you about some of the problems. It would be 50/50% if I were to chose it again. If you do go with it, I would love to hear about it, along with the way you set things up! :D