Any Ideas???


Active Member
Ok I set up my old 24 nano again , please keep in mind this is NOT how I usually set up my tank! Just tossed some stuff in from my 75gal. My question is what should I keep in here? I want like just one fish or something evil and weird.....I think a octy is out B/C the top wont contain him. Any other ideas????



Active Member
I will look into both of those , thanks! why would this be moved?? I already have a reef tank that's why I want this one to be different


Active Member
It's more suitable for a different section, but I don't know that the mods will really care...that's why I said it will possibly be moved. NBD


Active Member
More talk about what "section" this thread should be in then suggestions for cool or weird things to put in this tank
what happened to this place?
dont see where it would be moved to...
I think it would be cool to do species only like a small angler or something different


Active Member
I thought I remembered something that said TexasMetal (our resident octopus know-a-heck-of-a-lot) said that there was a species that stayed very small and was somewhat reef safe. I think he may have even had one in a cube, as I recall he duct taped everywhere and it did fine. I will go see if I can find the thread, although this site's search feature leaves much to be desired.


Active Member
Ok, found some of TexasMetal's posts and an octo in this size tank is not good. Sorry bout that last post there

Mark, if it were me I would be getting the craziest looking angler/frogfish I could find. Maybe find out where Flricordia gets his from


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
I thought I remembered something that said TexasMetal (our resident octopus know-a-heck-of-a-lot) said that there was a species that stayed very small and was somewhat reef safe. I think he may have even had one in a cube, as I recall he duct taped everywhere and it did fine. I will go see if I can find the thread, although this site's search feature leaves much to be desired.

This one Subie


Active Member
Yup, I was right that it stayed small and he did have it in a cube with tankmates, however the cube was a 60 gallon
My mistake, sorry bout that.


Active Member
hey thnaks for the input guys
Yea I always wanted a octy but it is true they are a pain and they are not active at all. I will look around the LFS's for frogfish , eels are not reef safe right? hmmm maybe just a cool eel and LR
also looking into the leaf fish. i dont like those dwarf lions , they just look weird to me
I will keep you all posted! tomorrow I have a Doc appt that is far from home but happens to be close to a really good SWF store
I will stop there on my way home , let ya know if I get anything


Active Member
On the contrary.
Octopuses aren't a hassle other than sealing their tank, and the ones I've had have been very active and interactive.
I think the main issue is husbandry. An unhappy animal doesn't make for a good pet and an octopus is no exception. Not a lot of GOOD information has been available until the past few years, and even still, a lot of misinformation gets tossed around and creates confusion.
That said, the common dwarf octopus in the US these days Octopus mercatoris can be quite boring if you're expecting it to do all the things the larger species do interaction wise.
If you go with the frogfish, go with Antennarius maculatus
since they won't outgrow the tank. And that's what I'd choose.


Active Member
Thanks for that info
I looked up the wart skinned frog fish and they look pretty cool! now the trouble is FINDING one! Looks like I may not make it to that SWF store today , woke up this morn. looked outside and it looks like a blizzard!!!! I will have to see if its any better around 11:00 that's when I have to leave , but it looks pretty bad right now....


Hanging out in the biocube 29 at my lfs is a sargassum frog fish. He's Awesome! He hides so well that the store owner sort of forgot about him the night a shipment was being put away a few weeks ago, and added a mandarinfish. He had been hoping that the sargassum would eat the damsel that was in the tank; but, you guessed it, the mandarin went first. I'd say the mandarin was at least twice the size of the frogfish!