any ideas???


Active Member
I have 2 hitchhikers i that i haven't seen anything about before... i have a bad camera so pics probably wont work although i will try and get a couple...
1. this one should be easy (im thinking sponge)... they are clear/whitish tubes about half the diameter of a pencil with blue lines running from top to bottom...
2. this one i have no idea... i have several of these and they have made it though the cycle... they are about 1-1.5" long and .75" wide... they blend in to the rock completely and although i have never seen them move from one spot to another, they do (they only way i saw the first one was when i was cleaning rock with a turkey baster it 'sat down' on the rock)... they have coraline algae on them so they have a hard shell... im having trouble explaining so i will post pics...


Active Member
i think these are fairly good pics of these... the white ones didnt come out but like i said... i think those should be easy...
added full tank shot... cycle finished about 5 days ago, CUC on the way
... going to add a couple rocks on right side to hide pipes but there is some coral that i dont want to cover until i see if it is going to take off... in one of the pics you can see what i think is coral towards the bottom... GSP???
thanks for any and all help...



Active Member
what about the other things??? i currently see 7, the one in the pic is on the smaller side of them


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
they look like clams, probably rock boring or turkey wing (as bang calls them)
thanks... i was thinking clam but aren't really all that "clam" shaped... i have one that is about 2-2.5x the size of the one in the picture...
do clams normally hook to the rock that way??? all the ones i have seen have their shell in the sand and the open part pointing up (to me these are upside down)...


Active Member
most of your live rock probably has clam shells throughout it. i had a HUGE clam encapsulated in a piece. all depends on how they get caught in the rock when it forms. not all clams are photosynthetic, so filter feeders can go anywhere.