any info on a 6 line wrasse?


I am thinking of getting six line wrasse for my 75. Any tips? It says that they have pretty good temperments. I will have it in with my watchman goby 4 shrimp, and soon will have a coral beauty.


I have a 75 community, and I added my six line wrasse in the middle of stocking. He is very responsive to you when you come up to the tank. He has not bothered any of my fish or inverts. He needs very very small bits of food when feeding, but is very quick swimmer. I have been pleased with this fish. Neat parallel lines on his eyes!
Don't know anything about temperment with a coral beauty. I have the 6 with a maroon clown, foxface, hawkfish, kole tang.


Active Member
I have had a sixline in with a coarl beauty (they started out in a 55, now 135) for about a year and a half.. NO problems at all. I love the sixline. Last month I added a mandarin and the sixline harrassed and kept it corralled in a top corner for 3 days before it left it alone. Luckily the mandarin survived and they are fine now.


Active Member
I like my six line... very sleek swimmer. How old is your tank? They need a mature tank with plenty of LR.
I have seen mine picking on my scooter and chasing the damsel a little before but for the most part he minds his own business.


Active Member
My sixline was a very welcome addition to my 75 mixed reef.
Great fish in my opinion - very active, always on the move and fun to watch. No conflicts with my Clarkii, Yellowtail or Bangaii.
Seems hardy, not a picky eater and adds a bit of dash to the tank !
One of my favorites now.


one thing that happened to me the other day was that the sixline started to pick on one of the 3 Peppermint Shrimps I have and eventually caused his death. The shrimps were in the tank b4 the 6line. And the 6line was in there for a month before this all happened.
he better not start picking on my other fish.



Originally posted by eclipse12
I am thinking of getting six line wrasse for my 75. Any tips? It says that they have pretty good temperments. I will have it in with my watchman goby 4 shrimp, and soon will have a coral beauty.

i am quoting this for a VERY good reason.
my brothers 6 line ate his xenia, and his firefish's dorsal fin.
so wat were u saying about good temperments?


Active Member
Don't tell me that. I am getting a firefish and thinking about a six line. Do you think they will be ok together?


the real answer is, it depends.
(example - tomato clowns are supposed to be very very territorial, but the one that I got isn't at all. He's very mellow. So, it all depends, ya know?)
I've had no problems with my firefish and the sixline. the firefish was in the tank first. I added a royal gramma last week. No problems there either (Knock on wood). Could there be a problem in the future for me? ...potentially....but for now everything is cool...and I like to think that the possibility is very slim.
If you are going to add both, then I'd suggest you add the firefish first. He needs to find his favorite safe spot. The sixline moves in and out of all the rock, so he doesn't really have just one spot.


My six line has been great. He doesn't bother my hammer or mushrooms. He is in the same tank with a rusty angel (very similar to a coral beauty) and an ocellaris clown.
Most six line wrasses are peaceful but with all SW fish there are always exceptions.


As has been stated on this board a lot of times, there are no sure things. Its not a sure thing that he's going to be aggresive, its not a sure thing that he's not. A good friend of mine has one in a 55 gal. tank with a clown, a mandarin goby, and a couple of damsels. He swims around quite a bit, is BEAUTIFUL, and comes to the front of the tank when you walk up. I'm sure there are some instances of a six causing a problem, but you should be okay.


Active Member
Thanks for the help guys. I was planning on a royal gramma too. Would that be ok with the firefish and the 6 line.



Originally posted by Ross
Thanks for the help guys. I was planning on a royal gramma too. Would that be ok with the firefish and the 6 line.

A royal gramma would be a great choice with those fish.


Active Member

Originally posted by Matti070
i am quoting this for a VERY good reason.
my brothers 6 line ate his xenia, and his firefish's dorsal fin.
so wat were u saying about good temperments?

Hey....I guess they are a lot like people. There are a lot of good ones and some bad ones. Lesley