Any info on Plate Coral?

jeff s

New Member
Can anyone give me info on Plate Coral Long Tenacle (Hilofungia Actiniformis? Any info on lighting, difficulty of keeping, or feeding requirements would help thanks.


I have a short tentacle plate coral. They like medium to high lighting, med water current, and to be flat on the bottom of your aquarium. The reason I say they like the bottom is mine moves around a little and might fall off my live rock if it were placed there. I feed mine fresh shrimp, clams, and brine shrimp about twice a week and he is growing at a good rate. HTH :)

nm reef

Active Member
I had always heard that they could be difficult to keep...mine has been in my system for 8-9 months and in that time has grown to twice its origional size.
I'd suggest moderate lighting and it on the sand bed far enough away from any other agressive coral to avoid conflicts.Mine likes to be fed at least twice a week with any of an assortment of meaty foods(I use a turkey baster to place foods directly on the mouth area.Also they seem to prefer stable/mature systems that have minimal fluctuations in water chemistry(mine is a early indicator of changes in temp/sg/etc....)
Bottom line....mine has done extremely well and is a favorite in my reef!!! Below is the only current pic I have posted of mine on my web site...hope yours does as well... :cool: