i'm going to pick up a 135 this weekend. i'm not sure what equip. it has on it so don't ask. i want to make it an aggressive tank, so if anyone haany suggestions i am all ears....
thanks in advance....
Well, you definitely want to have a lot of filtration, water flow, a big skimmer, and plenty of live rock would help as well.
Once you know the equipment you have, it will be easier to give advice.
being an aggressive tank will make expences much less costly than per say a reef.basic filteration such as hang on filters I prefer aquaclears as a hang on type but i do suggest running 2 of them one at each end of the tank if its a 6 ft long. a powerhead for cerculation centered facing foward between the 2 filters will make sure you are getting ample water movement. lighting can be as little as normal output florecent fixtures as aggressive dont need or like extremely bright lights. skimmers can be very helpful in keeping excess protiens in the water out, but it is not a requirement to have one to have a successful tank.keep it simple if you do regular weekly to bi weekly water changes you wont have water quality issues.as for substrate and LR keep live rock down to about 100 lbs or so dont over do it .your agressive fish will need plenty of swimming space as well as hiding spaces.substrate can be sand or cc I prefer cc for my aggressive due to lack of cleaner crew .cc can be cleaned using a syphon vacume to keep waste particles and uneaten foods at minimal to help control water quality.if using sand this is much harder to acheive in an agressive species tank unless your willing to supply cleaner crew which may be at risk of becomming prey.