any invert safe ick treatment



well i've got ick and a 180 gal so is there anyway to keep the shrimp in there and be able to treat it safely?


Active Member
If you want guarenteed success the awnswer is no. You could spend $20 or more bucks with Kick Ick and if you are lucky you may not loose $100 dollars in live stock. You could set up a quaranteen tank for what you would spend on reef safe meds and water changes. There are a few people who claim to have used Kick Ick many times with great success but that just makes you wonder why they have to use it so much. Do a search on hyposalinity and Garlic.


ok so say i buy a 10 gallon tank or use a 35 oct to hold the stuff. should it be used to hold the inverts or fish. here was my plan to catch the fish and put them in the 35 and treat that then leave the 180 running. and do the hypo to the 35 since it will be less water to take out. please help they ate right last nite and i also saw the spots then. so gotta do this quick