any lion fish owners? help :)


Active Member
u should be able to keep either a fuzzy dwarf or a dwarf/zebra lion in a 55g tank, they both max out around 7" so they should be good in ur 55g


dont get it if you have any small fish at all. i had one that was in my 55g for about a week until he ate 3 of my fish he was out and in my dad's 125g. he likes the 125, cuz he is really big he has to be atleast 7" without the tentical looking things he probly in the 10 range. we dont knwo where to put him


i beleive it was a volitian loin(dont know how to spell the name but i know it started with a v) at the time i had him i got him bout 3'' or so withing a wekk he was huge(mostly cuz of his diet). i only had some CC and a few painted coral dec. a dwarf would probly be your best bet as far as getting one. just make sure what ever fish you have in the tank will not fit in his mouth
btw i can admit that i did no research on this fish before i bought it. i just though he looked cool so i bought it. not the smartest thing i ever did, but its all part of the experence


Active Member
A fuzzy or zebra dwarf is certainly possible. My fuzzy dwarf is very content in my 40 and is the king of the tank.