Any networks in PHX?


Just thought I would throw out a hello to see if anyone in phoenix (or AZ for that matter) pays attention to this board. I will be looking for LR, MH, fish and frags to buy sell or swap. (Since much of this stuff is best picked up in person.) Say hello even if you have nothing or need nothing now. I have three nanos working now and an 80 gal bow that has cc and catalina in it but nothing else. After I get back from the Keys in the middle of April I will be looking in earnest to stock the 80. Also need an R/O DI and a good used cheep chiller for the summer time. Lawdy it sure gets hot around here.;)


Hey Jayster, I'm in Phoenix as well. I've seen a couple of people here but truthfully it doesn't seem to be that many. I'm still in the process of getting my tank back to health. Only a 70 gallon but its something good to start off with. its something that I inheirited from a roomate.
Let me know if you are looking at ordering anything from here, may be a good idea to split up a shipment.
Where do you go locally for things? I've ventured to a few shops and living on the East side doesn't help any. This is only my opinion here but:
Aquatic Arts (Tempe) - Employees are hit or miss, some know what they are talking about others would sell a Mandarin and a Tang to someone with a 5 gallon nano thats been up for two weeks. They do get some of the more unusual corals/reef objects in their store though.
Ocean-Vu (Tempe) - Ka-ching The most expensive store that I've found in Phoenix. Good place to get a tank though as they make them there.
Ocean-Floor (West Phoenix) - Large store with an average saltwater area. Most tanks in the store are freshwater though. Employees are hit and miss. Prices, like all others in Phoenix are on the semi-expensive size.
Aqua-Touch (North Phoenix)- People are very knowledgable. Unlike other places in town I have never seen a dead fish in a tank. Be it that they quarantine their stock somewhere other than in their show tanks or that they just pull out the sick/dead ones it does make it for a better LFS experience.


Hey Mirdok,
Thanks for the reply. I live right around the corner from aqua-touch. I agree with most of your comments and feel the staff at aquatouch is hands down the most knowledgable and straight forward with their advice. They have actually talked me out of a few expensive sales I was considering. In any event I think they are also expensive and can be pedantic but I just shut up and listen while they expound on the finer points. I am also familiar with those other stores. Here are three more recomendations
Fins and Friends. 16th and Glendale 602-264-9975. Very friendly and very cheap. Not much for corals but good fish deals.
Kinda fishy. Bell and somewhere around 20th street. 602-992-8340. Charged me $1.10/ gal for Catalina water but delivered 80 gallons to my house and filled my tank at no extra charge. Might be diff for the east valley.
Southwest Seas. Scottsdale and Shea 480-922-7229. Their main business is home service so they tend to be open for negotiations on their in-store stock. I have gotten smokin deals from them. Like obvious hitchhikers and soft corals on small pieces of liverock that were worth more than the live rock itself
Anyway, I will probably be putting in a mail order for about 80 lbs of live rock in about three weeks. Let me know if you need any. Also keep me on your e-mail in case you come across any good deals or are looking for anything specific. I hit all these stores on a regular basis just to see whats happening and can foward info as well. I am currently looking for an R/O DI unit, a float valve and dual 250w Metal Hilides for the 80.
Keep in touch.