Any non-toxic cow fish?


Are there any non-toxin releasing cowfish? My LFS swears that this cowfish is not the type that poison the water when stressed, but my research is not finding any type of cow/box/trunk fish that is not toxic. Anyone have an idea? These look just like the long horn cow fish but he says that this is a different type. "The long horn are more triangular."
I'm not sure I believe him unless you guys know what he's talking about. Thanks!


I guess the easy answer is no, all boxfish that I have heard of, and certainly all that are available in the hobby can release this poison. Although at the same time, some are more potent than others.


i think hes telling a big fat lie its impossible to have a boxfish that wont release poisons they are the most lieing people i think pet stores should be in the worlds record book for most lies


yeah my gut tells me he is lying (wouldn't be the first time), but from what I have read they rarely release the toxin. I may be one of the few, the brave, the idiotic that give him a try. The disaster is just too tempting. J/K I may isolate him with some easy going, peaceful tankmates. Thanks for all the imput.


Active Member
oh no, that’s another lie. This is a fact, witness with my own eyes. One dead/dying box fish, long horn to be exact. The fish was taken out of the tank put in a QT and died 10 minutes later. 45 minutes later fish in display tank starting to act strange and slowly start to fade to black. As fast as we did a water change, it did not matter. Water change was a last ditch effort to try and salvage the tank. So don't make a mistake thinking that they hardly ever release poison upon expiration. My father learned that lesson. Kissed his whole tank goodbye. These fish need pristine water conditions and zip, zero, zilch, nada, not one once of stress if they start stressing they start to release minute amount of poison. 78.00 fish ultimately cost my father the entire tank. learn from my fathers mistake and being lied to.