Any one here have bubble bee snails?


If you do, then whats that littl snout like thing out the end of there shell? do they submerge in the sand or do they eat off the surface?
They don;t move alot right?


Active Member
Thats their proboscis (mouth) and mine don't borrow they slid around on the surface of things foraging for food.


Mine no longer extend the "snout" out or the fish will bite at it. Mine move very slowly and they dig into the sand part way but never completely.
They have very attractive shells but they don't seem to clean up the tank much. The other types of snails do more work. I bought 8 have lost 2 and I won't buy anymore of them. I willbe going to get more snails tomorrow, and I have some Fl live sand coming tomorrow as well.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but bumblebee snails are predatory. (Family: Buccinidae, Genus: Engina). The probiscus you see is used to kill other snails, bristleworms, other worms too, small brittlestars (the ones found in your sandbed) etc.......