Any one know how to set up a wet dry


Any one know how to set up a wet dry
I have one and I'm pretty much going to use it as a sump withouth the bio balls
it came with a mag 5 and a protein skimmer
I thought the Mag 5 would connect with a bulk head on the bottom but it doesn't I'm not sure what this hole is for can anyone describe what I should do


Could the mag 5 be for the protien skimmer and the hole you mention for the return pump that you must buy?


Active Member
Water will flow into the wet/dry via gravity by an overflow from the main tank. The Mag5 will just sit in the bottom of the sump and pump the water back into the main tank.
I don't know how your skimmer is setup, but it should need it's own pump that will also go in the sump and the skimmer will dump the water back into the sump after it is skimmed.
Get the sump and pump setup first to make sure your overflow rate and return pump work together. Once this all works, you can hook up the protein skimmer later.
If you are not going to use the bioballs, I assume you already have biological filtration system.