any *peaceful* grazers?


In my 2.5 month old 90 gallon, I dont have a sump or refugium
it is a reef in progress with a few small corals, and a LOT of macro growing everywhere...
I wanted a pb tang to go in there eventually, but I know he would probably go last due to aggression reasons...
I was thinking of a heniochus, but Im not sure if the reef-safe species are really reef-safe...
AFAIK, I have a flame angel and a royal gramma in there along with all the other inverts...
any ideas?
Drew :)


Active Member
Hi there, we have a Kole tang in our reef. He is awesome, very peaceful, and he keeps a handle on the hair algea. We also have 2 clarkie clowns and a coral beauty in the reef. Good Luck! Lisa