Would you recommed purchasing this fish for a well established, f/o aquarium? Do they adapt well, are they hardy, agressive, good eaters? Thanx in advance.
yellow tangs can be very agressive. How big is the tank? A yellow tang should be the last fish added...in most setups (agressive fish tanks will not apply to that statement)
I have a clown and 2 damsels that were in there befors the tang. i then added a mandarinfish. none where bothered by the tang. i hope he becomes peaceful again.
You need to keep an eye on the yellow tang. When I first got my Koran Angel a few years ago, the yellow harrassed the h#ll out of the angel. Things got so bad I had to get the yellow out of the tank. Caught him and put him my 40g sump for about a week. When I put him back in, he didn't bother the angel anymore. Try rearranging your rockwork..this will mess up the territories and may alleviate the pestering.
thanks for the advice on the tang. i rearranged everything a few hours ago, and the tang harrassed him for another 10 minutes before he realized that things were different. hasnt messed with him since