Any reef safe Angelfish?


Active Member
Check out the genus Genacanthus. They arent the most common but they are reef safe. I believe the Lamark as well as the Watanabei are the more popular of them.


I have a coral beauty in my reef. The only problem I have had with her - she has an issue with my featherduster. Leaves everything else alone - but dive bombs the duster 237 times a day....


Active Member
Originally Posted by dina12
I have a coral beauty in my reef. The only problem I have had with her - she has an issue with my featherduster. Leaves everything else alone - but dive bombs the duster 237 times a day....
I had one that pestered my the heck out of my feather duster as well. It also nipped at my trumpet coral alot. It never hurt it though.


Active Member
I had to get rid of my coral beauty cas it was eating my zoo's and also messed with my hawaiian duster, I wouldnt trust any angel in my 210...atleast the ones i know of?


I have a red stripe that does well in my 55gal reef. I have also had luck in the past with coral beauty's and lemon-peel angels


New Member
Got very lucky with a majestic, knew I was gambling but I keep him well fed and he doesnt touch anything... yet!


I have a flame and he has never botherd anything! And its soooo pretty!


Active Member
Most dwarf angels are 50/50 ... If you keep them well fed, I think they will leave the corals alone.


Active Member
most of the common ones, like cherub, flame, coral beauty are hit and miss. i would look into the first two shogun named.