Any sand sifters and cleaners for my semi-aggressive tank?


Hello all,
I currently have a 125g with over 150lbs of fugi rock.I need some critters to help with cleaning the rock and sand. my stock consists of a birdmouth wrasse, a regal tang, a striped sailfin tang, a 6" spotted puffer and a 8" wolf eel. Any ideas on what I could add to help with the cleaning???


New Member
Be prepared for your eel to snack on the crabs and your puffer to go after the snails. At least, that's been my experience. I have a couple sand sifting starfish in my tanks - they seem to do quite well in the tanks.


Originally Posted by dc_wolf
Be prepared for your eel to snack on the crabs and your puffer to go after the snails. At least, that's been my experience. I have a couple sand sifting starfish in my tanks - they seem to do quite well in the tanks.
Thanks for the feedback............How large is your tank??? I have a you think my tank is large enough for them????? I've heard the starfish need alot of sand area to feed on or they will die......Have yours lived for a while now????? And how large are the starfish?? Thanks again for the help!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Sorry it took me so long to respond -
Well - I have several tanks. That particular one is 75 gallons. Every now and again, I put some small pieces of food in the sandbed. But, I haven't had any problems with the sand sifting stars.
I also have snails in the tank - actually, in all but one tank - and have learned to accept that they will come up missing after a while. It's my tradeoff for a healthy tank I guess. (I have a 125, 75, 55, and 40 gallon tanks - all salt -- all differnt kinds)