Any scrapbookers out there?


This is a page I just finished today. It is a page featuring the Taj Mahal from my trip to India with my boyfriend last year. what do you think? Anyone else have pics of their work?


Active Member
Wife is into this hobby bigtime, has been for many years. She teaches classes and manages a local Scrapbook store.


My girlfriend is a pro, I can't tell you how much I've spent on her Wishblade and more recently the CriCut....cheaper then my tank tho...can't complain!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
My girlfriend is a pro, I can't tell you how much I've spent on her Wishblade and more recently the CriCut....cheaper then my tank tho...can't complain!

this is leverage, my friend.
"what? you want to spend how much on that lighting??" is fruitless now.


My wife has a entire room for her scrapbooking. It has allowed me to get a plasma and a put holes in the wall to put my sump in an seperate room, so I am happy she has her hobby.


Active Member
The wife is into this bigtime! Makes for good leverage though!

She spent over 300 dollars at the disney scap book store last year when we were on vacation. :scared:
Shortly after that i got my heads for the camaro
See what i mean!
I wont even get into that hobby $$$$


i LOVE scrapbooking! unfortunately i've fallen out of it lately due to $$ problems, but things are starting to look up, so i'm going to be getting back into it soon.